VCV Rack Pro Licence: Machine ID reauthorization

My setup changes frequently, I’m upgrading and changing parts almost monthly. Also I have VCV installed on multiple desktops and notebooks with dual-boot configuration (Linux and Windows).

VCV Rack 2 Pro introduced a new authorization system, the commercial plugins are tied to the machine ID, so changing the hardware will change the machine ID and it will be necessary to reauthorize.

Usually I’m avoiding C/R copy protection like the plague - if the company goes out of business (see e.g. Cakewalk and try to reinstall Z3ta+2), the software can’t be reinstalled any longer.

How many installations / reauthorizations are possible until I have to contact support?

I think is limitless

About Cakewalk and Z3ta+2.

If it’s still relevant to you, I believe you can still install Z3ta+2 by using the Cakewalk Command Center. Cakewalk user logins are still active as I just check my products licenses over there that I bought over the years. Using the Command Center I can re-install any of those programs. Assuming they are still working in Windows 10 of course.

I could provide more help if you need. I’m not saying I can find the solution, but I am willing to try and look for it. I’m a long, very, very long time Cakewalk user.

Maybe here is not the proper place, but message me private if you need. :smiley:

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thanks, crossing my fingers and hoping for the best then :slight_smile:

I downloaded Command Centre and it says I´ve got no products :man_shrugging:

Thanks for your kind offer, but I’ve got to walk on my own two feet and I’ve found some nice replacements for z3ta+2, what a great synth this is/was :slight_smile:

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