VCV Rack patch for the Korg MS-20

After publishing a video series about the Korg MS-10, here is a new one about its brother, the Korg MS-20!

I published up to now about 10 videos about both. Once again, there are links in these videos to donwload the patch about MS-20 in VCV Rack.

Here is my YouTube channel about Korg MS-10 & MS-20:

VCV Rack patch for Korg MS-10 - #2 by alainherbuel


Nice work Alain :slight_smile:

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Thanks! :pray:

hello there, like the patch, but is there any chance, that you insert english subtitles? Karl

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You tube has a translate setting…

Thank you for your interest!

As @Yeager says, there is an automatic transcription from YouTube. Regarding this feature, and to makes things easier for the auto vocal recognition and auto translation, I always try to speak slowly…

But, if you have any question about this patch and videos, tell me! It would be a pleasure! Alain

yes i know that, but here i can only choose french as subtitle. transcript also only shows french. strange.

Strange indeed. As the provider of these videos, I don’t have options or setting regarding this auto translation feature.

At a personal point of view, I have had several times an similar problem with certain videos in English. Having a profile of French-speaking people, I have never been able for example to request subtitles in English in order to simply improve my English. Google through YouTube takes into account our default language profile, and imposes subtitles in French in my case. I thus had to create another Google account whose language is English.

If anyone has some informations about this problem, please let us know! Alain

In your case, do you have an other option in this menu, like « automatic translation option choice… » ?

I discovered there is an order to process this feature: 1/ Press « cc » button 2/ Press config button 3/ Press subtitle menu 4/ Automatic translation 5/ Choice your language.

Thanks to you, I’ve just discovered the way to display whatever language I want :smiley:. Is it ok for you know?

Here is the exemple of a Omri’s video in French subtitle for me… Alain


yes, that works. the way to display is important. Now i got translations in english or german. Wow! I will have a closer look in your patch. Karl


Great news! I’m happy that works for you. :partying_face: Alain