VCV Rack and Open Stage Control

I’ve been working on a patch for the last few weeks where the VCV Rack is controlled via Open Stage Control.

I would like to briefly introduce this here.

During development, I made sure that both the patch and the control via Open Stage Control were as universal as possible. The patch therefore consists of a framework that can be filled with life with additional modules.

In the first versions I worked with the Novation LauchControl, which also has its advantages. But the connection to Open Stage Control offers significantly more options, even if the operation via tablet is not quite the same as real knobs.

I mostly connected Open Stage Control to the VCV Rack via OSC using the OSC’ELOT module. This was the only way to connect the large number of controls (MIDI ends at 128).

On the other hand, it makes sense to use MIDI for keyboards, as there is no standard for keys in OSC.

I then used the trigSeq as a drum sequencer, which also offers an OSC connection.

I had already presented a first version in the OSC’ELOT thread.

But some features have now been added:

  • Fine adjustment via a large controller
  • Autofade: Controls can be moved using a timer.
  • 2 joysticks for moving knobs in Open Stage Control.
  • Keyboard for editing sequences in Open Stage Control.
  • Grid for editing drum patterns in Open Stage Control.

To see how it works, it’s best to watch the videos:

Part 1: A Demo Patch Part 2: Adding modules to build an new voice

If you want to try it out and use it for your own purposes, you can get it on GitHub: VCV-CTL