VCV Rack 2 not free?

This thread has nothing at all to do with the original topic. It is now a customer support ticked. Could someone rename the thread?

But it’s always amusing to see someone pitch a fit and declaratively exit in a huff because they might have to pay a ridiculously small sum for something that took thousands of hours of hard work to create.


lol totally agree. But yeah this needs some kind of modification. I reread the original post again and my blood pressure went up. VCV 2 is too new and amazing to have this stuff floating around at the top of the community posts.


Post removed by author.

I don’t think they were talking about you. They were talking about the person who originally created this thread.

You are right… thank you and sorry… removed :slight_smile: I’m not trying to get tech support here. I created another thread for that since the normal VCV support channels aren’t working for me. Here I was just cautioning other would be customers that this product as of now does not work well on MacBooks running Ableton.


Rack standalone is as free as it ever was. Nothing has been taken away.

@pgatt or any other mods, if any are left. Please close this thread!!!


I will close this thread now, as it is only repeating.