VCV Merge

I am merging 4 different V/OCT signals into one polyphonic signal with VCV Merge. It seems that - in the polyphonic signal - VCV Merge adds an information to each of the four V/OCT signals related to its Left/Right position. So in fact, although I have only one (polyphonic) cable (not two!!), not only do I have the information on four different pitches, but also each note has its own pan (L/R) position so that you can clearly differentiate the positions of the four signals over the headphone. This is totally unexpected but at the same time an extremely welcome effect in a patch that I am currently finalizing.

Can anybody confirm this and possibly point me to further information / documentation of this effect? I don’t really understand how one cable can contain L/R information, unless you consider 4 different polyphonic signals to be two pairs of stereo (L/R) signals.

Maybe that is the answer to my question: that depending on which mixing/audio module you use, a single 4x polyphonic signal is automatically interpreted as a 2x polyphonic stereo signal??

Any clarification highly appreciated. Thanks!

I think that’s the key - I’m fairly sure poly cables are mono, as in monophonic not stereo. If I patch a poly source straight into a Mixmaster channel, it seems to pan all the voices centrally. I usually use a seperate spread module to pan the voices out, maybe whatever you’re using has that built in.

Mixmaster has the spread build in

Choose Sum to stereo(L only)

And you can then use the pan to collapse/spread the stereo field

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corrected version

Thanks @Yeager, you hit the nail on the head.

Nevertheless, somewhere there is an issue, and I was not able to reliably reproduce it.

  • Sometimes, if you connect a single polyphonic cable (with 4 different notes/pitches) to the L input of MixMaster (e.g. Track 01), you hear only the 1st and the 3rd note (mono), but not the 2nd and the 4th note. I observed that behavior now at least two times.

  • But, after initializing the module and (re-)setting the Poly input behavior to “Sum to Stereo (L only)”, I hear all four notes via a single cable - note 1 and 3 left, note 2 and 4 on the right (correct behavior).

  • If you connect the same polyphonic signal with a 2nd cable also to the R input of Track 01, you hear all four notes in mono - perhaps not what you want. That’s why the setting says ‘L only’.

  • You can also connect the single 4-voice polyphonic signal to the Grp/Aux input and hear the stereo effect, but you don’t have the Track Settings (like Stereo Width, see below). Interesting, the first and 2nd note appear under GRP 1 (first note L, 2nd as R), and the 3rd and the 4th note under GRP 2 (again, 3rd note under L and 4th under R).

  • Also, I observed that using low values for Stereo Width (also in Track Settings), like 5%, gives already a very distinct L/R differentiation.

This will certainly help me better understand where in the L/R spectrum each voice of the polyphonic signal appears.

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