VCV Library

Popularity is how many users are subscribed, with the ability to remove individual modules this info is even more valuable regardless of how old or popular a modules is. For instance: If you have a module that you think should be popular, another that is not and another that is more inline with the popularity stat, say 1000 for overall subscriptions, 1000 for the most popular module enabled, then 700, 200 for the other 2. You can invest more time in the least popular to add features that will gain subscribers or just not invest energy into it, concentrating on something else.

Again this information is advantageous for all developers as it shows where trends are or where they are not.

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Plugins now has Order by Updated and Updated time!

I bought Pulse Matrix to celebrate :love_you_gesture:

Also bought Hora PCM Drum to go with it, having a riot as I type. Thinking of changing my name to Davy DMmDxmMMmXmMdX


Looks a lot nicer with stuff lining up but I’m still much in favour of the old layout with subscription at the far right. Just makes more sense for this to be on the right hand side of the page as you read from left to right. The search is now back :smiley: would be great to have back “filter as you type” on the plugin page perhaps also on the Library page.

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Functionally it is definitely level up from old page and I think there is nothing to add.
Usability wise it is step back, I suggest someone with lots of UI / UX experience contribute improvements to atoms, organisms, molecules, and page layout.


New library is definitely looking great, awesome job Andrew! :+1:


Très beau travail, Andrew Belt :slightly_smiling_face::gem:

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Would you be open to get contributions to the website as pull/merge requests?

The VCV Library and website is proprietary. However, I accept feature requests.

would you call that a userfriendly experience?

Of course. What’s the problem?

for me there is no logic in this. I come from A to B then I have a back arrow, but it takes me to C
Imho there should be a way back to A on the site.
Usually a user is completly related to the site and not to the browser, atleast I feel it disturbing when surfing sites that I need to change to the browser buttons to move back or forth.

Perhaps you are being confused by the back arrow in the title (root-level breadcrumb) “<- Library”. I have therefore removed this arrow icon from all pages.

The new library site looks great and works wonderfully, congratulations! Any user who is able to understand and interact with even the most basic modular patch should have no troubles using it.



maybe I’m a bit too picky,

is “Plugins” = “MyPlugins” (subcribed/owned/bought)? now there is no obvious (fast) way to sort the plugins in owned and not owned and it is not really clear what the difference between Library and plugins is (the library consists of the plugins) example: whats the difference between the library and the books and my borrowed books? lists all known VCV Rack plugins or your owned plugins, depending on whether you’ve clicked “Show owned” or “Show all”.

I know that,
but on the landing page is no obvious difference between library and plugins imho,
no matter if I’m logged in or not

VCV Library is the name of the service/website. The “Plugins” page on the VCV Library lists VCV Rack plugins. Hopefully this clears up your confusion.

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Can also use CTRL + Left/Right arrows to go back/forward in some browsers :partying_face:


had a few difficulties with it at first, but I’ve even forgotten now what these were :smiley: