VCV Host Question of understanding?

Hello, yesterday i bought the VCV Host module, but i am not able to send any information through it to a vst plugin. currently i made a testpatch with the New menuentry from VCVRack . I select my vstplugin (here e.g. the SurgeXT Synth). then i select pitch 1V/Oct for cell 1. then i patch my pitch to cell 1. i expected to see this pitch in the input of SurgeXT. But nothing happened… what do i misunderstood? what do i have to do?

btw: i am on linux ubuntu 24.04 LTS Studio with pipewire.

Thanks Karl

Not an expert here but I patch the pitch into the CV input bottom left - there’s a get input there too. I think the cell inputs are for mapping onto modulation controls in the VST.

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oh i see. thanks. i didn’t patch that, because i thought it is a kind of global input. how could i patch more then one pitch information?

You need a v/oct and a gate to make a midi note to send to the vst, processing happens on gate - you cannot change the v/oct after the gate ON. (for that you use pitch bend). and if there is no gate - no pitch info is sent to the VST.

If you need more notes - up to 16 - use polyphonic v/oct and gate inputs.

Or you can use the “grid” to send note-on’s - to trigger drums for example.

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with pitch i mean v/oct not pitchbend. sorry.

To Clarify;

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thank you all. that works.