VCV Development livestream

I am now developing some Fundamental 2.0 modules on the VCV Discord voice chat. If anyone is interested in how Rack modules are made, stop by to chat or watch!


Very interesting, sad I missed it! My discord familiarity is low, but I assume it’s real time only. Cool of you to open it up to curious folks :slight_smile:

I understand that with your occupations it must be difficult to handle so many things, but could you put a notice a few hours in advance when you do something like that? (I was not going to understand anything, but just to snoop and say hello)


I was online all day yesterday (about 9 hours), but I’ll definitely stream again sometime soon.


I always seem to miss these as well (and didn’t assume they went on for 9 hours!) so it would be good to announce them beforehand if possible. Personally I would find it fascinating to see your workflow being someone interested in coding and modular.

Is there no way to add them to youtube?

Andrew is live on Discord again folks



Live again on the VCV Discord. More Fundamental 2 development.


how the fff does discord works ??? how can I follow the livestream? I already have an account and I see all the people connected…but I can’t hear or see nothing

[edit] got it :partying_face:

mindblowingly good stream

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Yeah great to hear about the M1 support in V3 :+1:t4:


This was a really interesting and informative stream - thank you!

I couldn’t watch all of it, but the walthrough of the Random module (new version) was particularly interesting!

I’m now streaming on Discord with the topic: Building and recording Rack 2 patches for stock footage

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