VCV Crashing, Fatal Signal 11.

Hello everyone, I am new to VCV! Lately it’s been crashing a lot on my computer, I have no idea why, I don’t understand anything from the logs.txt file, it only says Fatal Signal 11. I was wondering if anyone could help me, I can’t attach the logs file since I am a new user so I will copy and paste the section:

VCV Rack v1.1.6

Windows 10.0

Renderer: Intel® Iris® Plus Graphics

OpenGL: 4.6.0 - Build

[93.261 fatal src/main.cpp:45] Fatal signal 11. Stack trace:

30: ZN4rack10appDestroyEv 0x456435

29: gai_strerrorW 0x739800

28: _C_specific_handler 0xddc87f60

27: _chkstk 0xdf6b11f0

26: RtlRaiseException 0xdf65b1b0

25: KiUserExceptionDispatcher 0xdf6afe10

24: DumpRegistryKeyDefinitions 0x929f50c0

23: RegisterProcTableCallback 0x92a3e8d0

22: RegisterProcTableCallback 0x92a3e8d0

21: RegisterProcTableCallback 0x92a3e8d0

20: RegisterProcTableCallback 0x92a3e8d0

19: DumpRegistryKeyDefinitions 0x929f50c0

18: RegisterProcTableCallback 0x92a3e8d0

17: RegisterProcTableCallback 0x92a3e8d0

16: RegisterProcTableCallback 0x92a3e8d0

15: RegisterProcTableCallback 0x92a3e8d0

14: RegisterProcTableCallback 0x92a3e8d0

13: RegisterProcTableCallback 0x92a3e8d0

12: RegisterProcTableCallback 0x92a3e8d0

11: RegisterProcTableCallback 0x92a3e8d0

10: RegisterProcTableCallback 0x92a3e8d0

9: RegisterProcTableCallback 0x92a3e8d0

8: RegisterProcTableCallback 0x92a3e8d0

7: ZN4rack3Svg4loadERKNSt7__cxx1112basic_stringIcSt11char_traitsIcESaIcEEE 0x45bd7c

6: nvgEndFrame 0x42f618

5: ZN4rack6Window3runEv 0x4594ea

4: main 0x781840

3: main 0x781840

2: main 0x781840

1: BaseThreadInitThunk 0xdf257020

0: RtlUserThreadStart 0xdf65d0b0

I am in urgent need of assistance!

I remember @Vortico remarking on a crash that seemed to be loading a SVG after nvgEndFrame… Is there any more context available? what was rack doing (in the log) when this happened? Loading up a plugin? What were you doing? just starting the program, opening the module browser? It’s too bad that new users can’t upload crash logs.

I started using rack, every time I loaded the core sequencer it would crash. I lowered the cpu usage limit and it stopped crashing.

What is a cpu usage limit?