I’m a beginner VCV user and I’m really loving it so far. I’m also a graphic design student, and I’m focussing my final year project on modular synths (or software emulations of them) and I’m trying to find an angle. I came across this video about the Scanimate, called “Meet the Engineer Preserving The Last Analog Motion Graphics Machine” (on YouTube: link below). I found the technology really fascinating and the animated graphics incredibly beautiful. I’m wondering about the potential of VCV Rack to emulate the Scanimate in the same way it does modular synths. Has anyone thought about/tried this? It seems as though the Scanimate uses very similar tools, like oscillators and filters, to animate and modulate graphics. I’ve checked out the visual modules like photron and the bouncing balls one so it certainly seems possible! I suppose what I’m imagining is somehow being able to modulate and affect graphic images, like my fonts for example, to create unexpected patterns and colours. Maybe going over the top here, but what if it could then be outputted to an old CRT TV, to get that warm, soft glow as well — I’m sure I can get this simulated in after effects if not though…
As you can see I’ve really only just started thinking about it but I’d love to hear any thoughts anyone might have on this topic!
You can do this by sending the sound into Toucgdesigner. I am not an expert and very much a beginner in TD, but from videos and Tuts i believe you can do so.
The basic is that you can input sounds (and other signals) and decide what they modulate and effect. And your output choice is endless from LED lights to old screens
The non-commercial version is free.
This is a basic setup and example but i believe it can be used in a similar way on text
@AdiQ made this video and probably can give us better answer
Walking my slow way to understand and work with TD and saw VVVV but did not get into it yet.
Thanks for the reminder, also in tips/ideas toward TD and VCV is appreciated
Yay, the two are probably not that different in terms of what you can push them/yourself to do, but quite many years ago I fell in love with vvvv’s (absence of any) UI. It’s no nicely ~zen to work with.
That looks fantastic, I love how direct the translation from sound to visual is. Thanks a lot for sharing! This will be my starting point for getting to grips with it I think.
JWZ maintains xscreensaver which includes an open source physically modeled CRT for some of the screensavers. In case you need code for the physics of an analog display.
Sorry for the delayed response and thank you for this! This sounds really interesting. As a total novice to all this stuff I’m not sure how I’ll make use of that code but maybe it’ll come in handy once I get the hang of what I’m doing! Thanks again