

Thanks ablaut for another interesting challenge.I don’t always post but I always check them out.
I guess what’s noteworthy here is I liked the sound of the pulseCZAR overtone1 & 2 so much I turned the Fundamental sound level off and went with that through Chronoblob. The modules are based on an old Casio synth. I don’t know what the overtones are - some kind of harmonic odd even wave shaping artifacts (?) but what a unique sound. :slightly_smiling_face:

Really cool old school! :smile:

Super cool!


thanks! and please add it to the main challenge thread:

Sorry ablaut I don’t know how to move it.
Should I have posted as a reply to the challenge?
Also, I forgot to upload the patch so I’ll wait till its in the challenge sub category.
Thank you!

A post was merged into an existing topic: === very cool patch challenge, edition 38 ===