VCO with sweeping oscillator like moog voyager?

HI does anyone know of a vco that is modelled after the Moog Voyagers sweeping variable oscillator? Or does anyone have a wavetable like this?

The voyager oscillator shape goes from triangle to saw to square. You could try something that cross-fades a standard oscillator from one wave to the next, e.g. use Frames with a triangle, saw and square into three inputs, then set the Frame knob position with the triangle to the left, saw in the middle and square to the right


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Maybe like this ?


That’s good but you miss out on the ability to PWM the square

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Surge modern can linearly superimpose a PW, Saw, and triangle wave with three independent levels.

From that plus some careful modulation i bet you could do a saw → triangle → pulse with pulse width.

May not be quite what you want but figured I’d add the thought.


Thanks everyone. several good suggestions.

You also can use NYSTHI’s Vector Mixer to freely crossfade the waveforms.