Hello, I’ve built a patch using only VCV modules + Macro Oscillator 2 that consistently crashes Rack 2!
I think I’m gonna check if there is somewhere on github to submit it, but first I’ll share it here.
Crash happens when you unmute channels on MUTES module.
has anyone filed a bug via support@vcvrack.com? If not, please do so stat. with all bits of info and possible repro steps and the various configs etc. I also cannot repro it on my M<ac, so definitely a windows thing by the looks of it (any linux tester yet to confirm whether that also is fine or crashes?
I can confirm that it also crashes on Linux (Mint 20.2 & PulseAudio), when I unmute all 4 mute buttons.
Edit: also crashes when I select JACK in the audio driver, it only takes slightly longer to crash (5-30 seconds after unmuting the 4th button) compared to when I have PulseAudio selected in the audio driver (crashes immediately).
It crashes on Linux as well, but not right away. When I first load up the patch, and haven’t yet selected an output, the patch is “inactive”, and I can’t mute or unmute. I then select an output (either ALSA or PulseAudio in my case; I’m running on Pipewire). When selecting an output, either the first three, or all four “mutes” comes up as muted (this differs between runs, I don’t know why). I can then start muting and unmuting, and it will start playing. This can go on for quite some time (have been running for at least 5 minutes in one case), but eventually it will crash and dump core in the macro oscillator. This does not seem directly tied to muting or unmuting any particular “track”, but seems to be tied to, at one point, having unmuted the fourth (I can not be 100% sure of this though). If I then restart and reload the track (against the dialog recommendation), it will crash immediately. If I instead clear and load the patch fresh, the cycle starts again.
Another observation: it doesn’t crash as long as I keep the 3rd button muted (the one that goes to the Plaits Morph Input), and it sometimes can take a while (after unmuting this 3rd button) before it crashes.
it seems:
here it crashes only
the macro oscillator 2 model “waveshaping oscillator” is choosen initially.
when I choose another model at start it doesn’t crash here.
But when I choose the waveshaping oscillator later it crashes again.
Please try to change the model first and then choose your audio driver/interface and see if it crashes still.
I tried that - no problems. I set Audio Driver to (no device) then set Plaits to Waveshaping Oscillator. When I selected an audio driver it ran with no problems. I went through all the voices on Plaits and still no problems.