Valley Terrorform - testdrive

Already discussed this in a PM, but yeah I am working on adding Serum compatibility where tables can be compressed / downsampled during loading. It’ll be limited to integer downsampling, e.g. 2048 -> 256 is 8:1, and this compresses nicely.


To no-one in particular, but is there a way to find out what kind of wavetable is “inside” the wav file ? afbeelding 4 of these I know how to find out the rest ?

How do you mean? Like what the cycle length is?

Yes, the cycle length inside the wav if its a 2048samples or something else ?

I’d use an audio editor like Audacity to visually inspect the WAV file, switch to show “selection length” as samples (numbers at the bottom), zoom in and see if the cycles line up nicely to either 256, 512, 1024, or 2048, assuming the table actually used a power of 2 as it’s cycle length (Adventure Kid waves for example don’t line up!).

It is then fair to assume that the entire lot of wavs from that same collection is consistent, but always worth a check.

In Terrorfom you’ll be able to see straight away in the Viewer if the table did not line up correctly.

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Thank you so much, so it’s basically a visual activity :grinning: