Crystal Palace doesn’t update properly under Linux (Mint 20.2,based on Ubuntu 20.04 LTS). The log contains the following error:
[0.161 warn src/plugin.cpp:203 loadPlugin] Could not load plugin /home/darchillus/.Rack2/plugins/CrystalPalace: Failed to load library /home/darchillus/.Rack2/plugins/CrystalPalace/ /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ version ``GLIBC_2.32' not found (required by /home/darchillus/.Rack2/plugins/CrystalPalace/
Looks like the plugin has been build using a too recent version of GLIBC, making it incompatible with Linux distributions that are slightly older (but still used a lot). We’ve seen the same problem with the Blamsoft XFX plugins (see Blamsoft is back thread).