Uhhyou Plugins module

is anyone interested in aiding this?

I took a peek at the code, especially the reverb modules because I happen to be obsessed with that topic at the moment.

It looks interesting, but there could be some problems with using this in VCV Rack or other real-time environments. For example, I see dynamic memory allocations in the audio-rendering thread, which will inevitably cause glitching.

It looks like there are 50+ VST plugins in that GitHub repo. You might have more luck finding a developer if you could narrow down to one or two you are most interested in.

Oh, thanks cosinekitty for looking into the code.

The use of std::vector is intentional. I prioritize accurate rendering over real-time performance. There’s a call to notestack.reserve(1024) in constructor. So one has to press more than 1024 notes at the same time to make extra allocation to happen. This is a dirty hack, but worked okay for my use case.

If real-time is the top priority, it’s better to replace notestack to a ring buffer, or an array with 128 elements which is mapped for each MIDI note number. This kind of fine tuning is the reason I’m open sourcing my plugins.

There’s also a block diagram in manual pages, and it might be better to write code based on them rather than based on my code. I suppose my code quality is low, because I only write code in my hobby time.


I made account here to make sure that the original poster in this topic (setemeefreee) has no relation to Uhhyou Plugins. See link below for more context.


I missed the reserve call! That makes more sense now.

For those of us using VCV Rack in live performances, glitching or stuttering is a deal-killer. I’m not one of those people (yet).

For those of us using VCV Rack to record audio/video to a file (yes, includes me), it’s not as big a deal because you don’t usually hear stuttering caused by blocking the audio thread. But it’s still annoying when I hear it, whether or not I’m recording at the moment.

I have to say - glitching in a VST is just as bad.

I understand that.

What I really want is a plugin that accepts infinite number of notes. I used to make music which constantly plays 200 to 300 notes at the same time. What I didn’t like was that, some plugins only accepts 8, 16, 32 or some other fixed number of notes even if the CPU load was not saturated to 100%. It’s no one’s responsibility nor even a problem. It’s just that I spent time into my random idea, and found that typical plugins aren’t made for it.

In these days, I mostly stopped using plugins in real-time. I use plugins in sound design, and render the result to a file. Then the file is loaded into a sampler and is played from there. CPU load is more predictable in this way.

Sorry for posting things not related to VCV, but I wanted to clarify about my use case. I stop it here.


I just wanted to say, it’s great seeing you here, and you being so open to others fine tuning your work, and bringing it to VCV. I’m mainly a sound designer, and I’m a fan of your plugins for already some time now; they are very, very interesting, with a personality of their own, doing things that are hard to come by, otherwise, like this. So thanks :+1:

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What an interesting resource of sounds … I am just browsing trough the whole library of plugins and I am deeply fascinated :smiley:

Would love to see some of these adapted to VCV Rack, even though I see the peculiar interfaces and the focus on offline rendering as part of it charm!

Indeed :slight_smile: … Ryukau even has a web interface version of these available, both as a source code package to host on your own system (I’ve tried it like that, using them locally, through a browser, on a Linux system; it’s a wonderfully different experience, hehe) - and also as a ready to use collection on the web and right in your browser, here: UhhyouWebSynthsizers :sparkles:

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Hi all, sorry but,

I didn’t understand if this project starts or you have lost interest in having these fateful tools in VCV


It is a call-out for someone to port Uhhyou audio plugins to vcv-rack.

Nobody has stepped up yet to fill that role.

Ok, Thank you for your reply!