trigger on edge detect. any module ?

hello, i want to create triggers on every rising edge of a stepped ramp voltage from 0 to 10V. there are 16 steps, so i need 16 triggers. is there any module available?

Thanks Karl

yes that one i tried. but there are no 16 triggers. sometimes triggers gets lost or not recognized and i dont know why. it is not precise.

Can you share a screenshot showing how you’re generating the stepped ramp and at what speed(s)?

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VCV Gates is precise, it has the dedicated “trig on rising edge” output. then you could use a polyphonic splitter, demultiplexer or anything else to isolate the signals

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but i do not have gates. i use a voltage from 0 to 10V stepped. the VCV Gates does nothing, only if i provide a gate.

so you have (rising) stepped values?
and not rising edges as usually it would be on gates.

the combo count slope detector + vcv gates + bogaudio assign works

slope-detector_gates-assign.vcv (2.2 KB)


yes this is correct. a rising stepped voltage from 0 to 10V.

thank you. i will import it and check. after that i come back here.

You probably need a boolean for the last step cause it’s falling



thank you @Yeager ! it works now. but i dont know why?? could you please explain, how it works?

Your first step begins here (after the gap)


But your last step is not rising but falling (see same picture) It has to go back to zero volts to be able to start over.

So you need to add that last step (falling) to the gates with a boolean or like the pic and the result is like this


Umm, or you could simply use the Moving output that triggers on both rising and falling edges!


Yep easy peasy.

i see, now i understand. learning more every evening.

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