The Console 1 Screen Project

I’m actually working on a module to utilize the Softube Console 1 MIDI controller for controlling other modules in the Rack.

Because all the labels under all the knobs and buttons on the hardware cannot be changed, I came up with the idea of an additional screen that can be attached to the Console 1 controller to show the user the targets of all knobs and buttons.

In the picture above, you see a Raspberry Pi attached to an 11.9 inch LCD screen. More about this screen, see 11.9inch Capacitive Touch Screen LCD, 320×1480, HDMI, IPS, Toughened Glass Cover | 11.9inch HDMI LCD and

In the middle you see a custom 3D print I designed using TinkerCAD 3D design Console 1 Screen Case | Tinkercad

And at the bottom you see the Console 1 controller by Softube.

One goal is to run VCV Rack headless on a PC/Mac and use Console 1 with the attached screen for live performances.

Actually it is not the goal of this project to run the VCV Rack on the Raspberry Pi itself.

I want to share the progress of this project here, so stay tuned :sunglasses:


What goes in the display to show mappings?

maybe something like that


for each knob/button


this is just a quick sketch, not the final screen layout

here’s the assembled unit attached to the controller:


That looks like a fun project. Five years ago, as I was approaching retirement, I was accumulating hardware including Raspberry Pi’s, micro-controller boards and even an NVIDIA Jetson board with parallel GPU programming capabilities, along with a small 9" HDMI LCD display and I was going to concentrate on hardware sequencers and controllers in my old age. Then I discovered VCV Rack.

Hardware is fun! As is software! Combining the two is even “funner”!


So what is holding you back from doing the same? :wink:

Very neat project! and cool screen. Please keep us updated with your progress!

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Time, energy and too many projects in the works.

By the time I throw VR software and hardware development and theoretical physics GPU string theory VR visualization into the mix, I stay busy all of the time in my retirement. The first project I did after retirement 4 years ago was to to write VR software that interfaced my Oculus Rift with my computer via an Arduino and controlled a robot turret mounted stereoscopic video camera, controlled by head and displayed in VR with interactive avatars. For my string theory visualization last year, I included GP-GPU parallel computing with an HTC Vive Eye Pro VR headset that supported eye-tracking.

Who knows, my interests could swing back to hardware with software at any time.

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I was more referring to the “I was going to” in combination with VCV Rack, like @Ahornberg 's project :slight_smile:

We’re still looking for someone to build interactive VR for our computational physics platform, btw. Not kidding either.

Yep, I also was referring to that. We seem to communicate in some orthogonal space :wink:

Not to distract from the OP post, who is “we” in this? I did some searching but could not determine.

Just a quick update:

I’m going to take the Raspberry Pi out of the equation. I think it’s easier to drive the screen from the same PC that runs the Rack.

Perhaps unrelated, I use spacedesk to expand my windows 11 desktop to an android tablet.

Note: On my Windows 11 pc, maximizing Rack2 free standalone - when displaying on an extended desktop / spacedesk (android) - doesn’t work, the primary sceen goes black/blank. press “Shift + Ctrl + WindowsLogokey + B” to reset windows gfx.

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So I removed the Raspberry Pi and built a 3D-printed holder for USB and HDMI connections.

A photo taken from the design process:

The finished design:

A first test: