Test the upcoming Vult stuff

I’m preparing for a new release and I’m looking for volunteers to test new and existing modules. These are some of the requisites:

  • Knowing how to backup your patches (just in case something goes wrong).
  • Knowing how to install modules outside the VCV library.
  • Preferably, owning the paid Vult modules.
  • The most important: being able of keeping a secret.

If you own a Freak module, I’m also looking for testers of the new firmware.

If you want to join, just send me a message and I’ll invite you to a private thread where I will post the instructions.


Totally keen for this!

willing and able

Count me in

of course i want :slight_smile:

Hi Leonardo,
I’m in as always :wink:
good to see you’ re working on new stuff. :+1:

Count me in (if you need more) (of course you do!)

It looks like the forum has some limitations and I cannot add more people to the testing thread in the next 24 hours.

I’ll add more people once I’m allowed to do it.

I’m in! Ive tested for you before


In, would love to test some new stuff.

Sounds good – sign me up.

Ok I’m curious what this time you prepared Leonardo :). Count me in if you have more space for testers. Cheers