Syncing a clock and delay time - how to do it?

I’d like to have the delay module time vary with a clock bpm (i.e. song tempo) in some fixed ratio. That’s a nice effect to have echos on or between beats.

It’s all voltages so must be possible. Before I try hacking it together in some Heath Robinson style - has it been done before, is there a module that does that?

My fav clock is Impromtu’s Clocked

AS has some (free) modules that can help you with regard to delay and BPM (AS Delay Plus Fx and AS Delay Plus Stereo Fx; also check out “AS BPM to delay/ms calculator” and “AS BPM to delay/hz calculator” modules)

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Easiest way is probably chronoblob, clock into sync input.


As @mixer mentioned, the AS modules are pretty easy. Using the BPM Calculator with the Delay plus is a pretty common pattern in my patches.

Although I usually remove the calculator when I’m done.

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there is also Nysthi “Clockabledelay” and “NYECHOecoeco” and “Jira Jira Echo”

and MSM “Dual Delay”

and MscHack “Ping Pong Delay”

and …


Thanks everyone, that’s really helpful. Just plumbed in the AS BPM/Hz Calc and appears to be perfect. Everything now purring along nicely. I’ll be sure to try the others though.

I want to leave it in, as it’s for playing live and I want to be able to dial in the clock bpm and have the delay update itself.

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Bear in mind that with most delays, if you change the speed on the fly they will make ‘interesting’ noises. There’s a paid unfiltered audio module (Instant Delay) that doesn’t do this.

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Good tip, thank you. I’ve been trying make a ‘feature’ of the strange noise - nice to have to the choice

By setting a short enough delay time, you can make an oscillator out of a delay module, and you can modulate the delay time to modulate its pitch. Or sort of. I made something like this with VCV delay.

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Wild! I’ll give that a go. New sounds, always good


Excellent thanks. Even better if there’s some theory attached. Feels legit

chronoblob has also a “time modulation mode” without artefacts when changing the delay times, and one with artefacts for old tape delay like effects


There is also MSM delay, it has everything built-in with plenty of CV control.

Edit: I see now it’s mentioned before :+1:t4:


I find this page so useful , specially to sync LFOs

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And there are dedicated modules for this :slight_smile: Frozen Wasteland’s String Theory is one. Couple others out there :slight_smile:


Ta. Every question reveals another can of worms/rabbit hole. Wonderful.

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