svgKnob snap question

Just wondering if this is possible:

What I want to do is have a button with a lock icon that upon enable will store the value on the knob and pass snap = true; to SVGKnob. With snap and the value stored I want to change that value by a specific increment/decrement.

If that is not possible the way around it might be to have another knob on snap = true; and get that value to snap to the first knobs value, program the button to clamp(1stknob, .value, .value) or vice versa. Iv’e not tried either yet.

Since the source code is available for snapping and non-snapping knobs, you should be able to spork it out of the Rack source and frankenstein them together as-needed. I had to do something like this in SkJACK since some of the drawing behavior for LED text fields wasn’t exposed.

It’s possible (since I’ve designed the Widget framework to be extremely general), but things like this are horrible UX.

Hmm did not get a notification that there was replies to this, anyway…

I hear what you’re saying Andrew but IMO I think it depends on what it is being used for, some values depend on snapping UX wise. IMO it is horrid when a knob doesn’t snap when its values are non float.

Is there any known example of passing a value from another component to a knob? I’m using my own components anyway so I was thinking of just putting an if/else in the component struct.

struct Knob : SVGKnob {
		Knob() {
			 if(btn == 1.0){snap = true;} else snap = false;

I may just use a pointer to a #define or an int declared in scope and set the define/int to 1 or 0 in the button.

int btn;

struct Snap : SVGSwitch, ToggleSwitch {

		//some code to detect frame state!??
if(state == 0){int btn = 1;}else btn = 0;//can't tab in this text box btw

struct Knob : SVGKnob {
		Knob() {
			 if(btn == 1){snap = true;} else snap = false;

Maybe something like this (untested)

struct CoirtKnob : SVGKnob {
	ParamWidget *modeSwitch;
	void step() override {
		snap = (modeSwitch->value > 0.f);

Of course set coirtKnob->modeSwitch = modeSwitch in your ModuleWidget constructor.

Will give it a try tomorrow.

Not too sure how to implement that. I might just add a knob with snap enabled and with some manual routing or super hidden feature :shushing_face: finetune, turns out snap is the perfect multiplier for halving/double. Something like this:

I ran in to this with the ALAN. Scaler knobs are another case where you probably wanted one of a small number of presets, but the option to have an arbitrary scale is still there.

No room for another knob :wink::wink: