Surge XT tutorials (VCV Rack version)

:fr: J’adore les modules Surge XT pour VCV Rack ! Ils sont surprenants, bien implémentés, interfaces agréables, puissants, très efficaces, etc. Bref, j’adore ! Je me suis décidé à créer une série de tutoriaux qui leur est dédiée. J’espère pouvoir tous les couvrir…

Ma chaîne YouTube : Ma Playlist dédiée aux modules Surge XT (version VCV Rack) :

:uk: I love the Surge XT modules ! They are surprising, well implemented, they have pleasant interfaces, powerful, very efficient, etc. In short, I love them! I decided to create a series of tutorials dedicated to them. I hope Ill be able to cover them all…

My youtube channel: My Playlist dedicated to Surge XT (VCV Rack version) :

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Really, a single post to the beginning of your series is enough. Also, this forum is primarily English-speaking, so it would be good to include a bit of English text describing what value for this community is to be found in your videos. Simply links and copy/paste from the YouTube description isn’t a great experience here.

Otherwise, feels like low-effort spam.


So we put all the posts in one thread,
else it would be too much clutter in the categories


Thank you!

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I can delete these posts except the first one if want.

Deleted. Alain