Surge XT 2.1 testing and feedback thread

Oh exactly like Jens said sorry!

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Ok, so assuming it’s normal.

Thanks Paul and Jens Peter for your explanations, appreciated! :slight_smile:

And I see an folder called Surge XT in my user Documents folder and all subfolders within are empty.

Is this coming from the Surge dependency and is it required for SurgeXTRack as well?

Yes it is coming from that Yes right now it is mostly required but I should add a mode where we don’t make it and recover properly

(or alternately, install the surge vst also and then you will use all of that for your user data :slight_smile: )

I kinda assume the overlap between “have surge vcv” and “have surge vst” is “high but not 100%”. wonder if that’s true or not.

(Edit: I added GitHub issue 732 for tbis and 2.1 won’t create it from rack if it’s not there already)

I just merged a change which means the .vcvplugin file only ships with the factory rather than 3rd party wavetables by default. This makes the plugin shrink from 150mb to 12mb, and reduces strain on several parts of our and rack’s infrastructure.

But fear not those extra wavetables are available. In the WT and Window VCO there is a menu “download extra content” which will download all the wavetables from our github into your rack area and keep it there even as you upgrade the plugin. You need to do this once and only once to get the extra content.

So if later today you download a 21 beta and are like ‘zoinks where are all my wts’, just do ‘download extra content’ in the menu and wait for the download to finish and voila.

That same change also fixes the extra “standard surge” user directory creation @qno reported above; that directory is now created only if you undertake an eactivity which uses it (but it is still read if it is there so for joint rack/vst users your wavetables and fx presets will be shared)



I tested Windows nighly SurgeXTRack-2.1.beta.0-nightly-2ff3fef-win-x64.vcvplugin.

After I found the WT download menu entry I hitted it over and over again - and Rack crashes (also crashing on Linux).

[20.838 info src/app/Browser.cpp:89 chooseModel] Creating module Surge XT Wavetable VCO
[20.838 info /__w/surge-rack/surge-rack/src/XTModule.h:68 showBuildInfo] [SurgeXTRack] Instance: Module=VCO<Wavetable> BuildInfo=os:win pluggit:SURGE_RACK_PLUG_VERSION surgegit:SURGE_RACK_SURGE_VERSION buildtime=Dec 14 2022 01:35:59
[20.967 info src/app/Browser.cpp:93 chooseModel] Creating module widget Surge XT Wavetable VCO
[30.026 info src/patch.cpp:254 saveAutosave] Saving autosave C:/Users/Silvio/Documents/Rack2/autosave/patch.json
[30.030 info src/settings.cpp:483 save] Saving settings C:/Users/Silvio/Documents/Rack2/settings.json
[41.214 info src/network.cpp:204 requestDownload] Requesting download
[45.026 info src/patch.cpp:254 saveAutosave] Saving autosave C:/Users/Silvio/Documents/Rack2/autosave/patch.json
[45.030 info src/settings.cpp:483 save] Saving settings C:/Users/Silvio/Documents/Rack2/settings.json
[49.636 info src/network.cpp:204 requestDownload] Requesting download
[60.039 info src/patch.cpp:254 saveAutosave] Saving autosave C:/Users/Silvio/Documents/Rack2/autosave/patch.json
[60.043 info src/settings.cpp:483 save] Saving settings C:/Users/Silvio/Documents/Rack2/settings.json
[60.971 info src/network.cpp:204 requestDownload] Requesting download
[65.650 fatal adapters/standalone.cpp:49 fatalSignalHandler] Fatal signal 22. Stack trace:
14:  0x0
13: raise 0x7ff97cc6abe0
12: abort 0x7ff97cc6f1e0
11: ZN9__gnu_cxx27__verbose_terminate_handlerEv 0x7ff94d7f2b80
10: ZN10__cxxabiv111__terminateEPFvvE 0x7ff94d7e5830
9: ZSt9terminatev 0x7ff94d8e2170
8: _cxa_throw 0x7ff94d8eb350
7: ZN4rack6system7getStemERKNSt7__cxx1112basic_stringIcSt11char_traitsIcESaIcEEE 0x7ff9052e9ee0
6: ZNSt6thread11_State_implINS_8_InvokerISt5tupleIJZN3sst12surgext_rack3vco2ui20WavetableMenuBuilderILi2EE20downloadExtraContentEPNS5_3VCOILi2EEEEUlvE_EEEEE6_M_runEv 0x7ff8ca5ccf00
5: ZZNSt10filesystem7__cxx114path10_S_convertIcEEDaPKT_S5_EN5_UCvtD1Ev 0x7ff8ca615570
4: pthread_create_wrapper 0x7ff976ae4c70
3: beginthreadex 0x7ff97cc7ae30
2: endthreadex 0x7ff97cc7af80
1: BaseThreadInitThunk 0x7ff97c0674a0
0: RtlUserThreadStart 0x7ff97de82680

You mean if you click the menu again while it’s downloading?

Yes, exactly like that.

This is only for people installing Surge XT for the first time right? I downloaded the new beta without the wavetables but it seems there’s no need to download the extra wavetables if you already had them from a previous version. All the previous wavetables are still available.

I thought the install of the VCV plugin would delete them when rack starts.

Ok well for now use the doctor joke :slight_smile: But I will make it static locked so you can’t do thst. Thanks

No I think when you update a plugin Rack replaces any files with the same name and leaves anything else that was in the folder alone.

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Well that’s a bit of a bummer of a choice, but it does indeed mean that the 2.0.3 wavetables will stay there until you nuke your plugins or whatever.

@qno - i added an issue to sort out the multi download. Thanks for flagging!

Yeah, it’s a very reasonable assumption to make, which I also did for the longest time, but I’ve since been educated that, nope, Rack doesn’t delete anything when upgrading a plugin.

I agree, and find it odd also. Can lead to interesting bugs.

“Don’t do that then” :grin:

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Are the WT supposed to go where they are now ? (2.0.3) Or does the downloader put them in another (new) folder ?

The downloader will put them in another folder (the user-writable folder according to the rack spec)

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That String VCO is so damned tasty, especially if you whack some modulated delay on it.

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yeah. for extra fun hit it into the cutoff warp filter on one of the higher pole and saturation submodes also

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Show me, show me, show me how you do that trick?

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StringExample.vcv (5.6 KB)

Sure try that one. (You need to have BaconPlugs Bog and Impromptu installed as well for it to play). But it shows a couple of examples of using the cutoff warp and saturated K35 filter on strings to create some richer sounds with the VCO.