Surge XT 2.1 testing and feedback thread

Hi Paul, for testing purposes only, from lastest Nightly (77274f1) Windows, the port #4 (red) doesn’t output a LFO signal like other ports, when I bring the QUAD LFO module in rack (I don’t touch any parameter), and seems related/affected by AUDIO output module and related ASIO driver selected:

I precise, If I remove the AUDIO module, the red curve (port #4) becomes flat 0V.

Seems fixed when I send a signal (via button) to TRIG inputs, like following picture…

EDIT/ADDED: In fact they are “initialization” issues, and other ports may are affected, too (randomly), for example when I load .vcv patch file.

Small patch in attachment (it uses Counta Modular plugin for button and scope):

Surge XT - QUAD LFO test.vcv (1.7 KB)


Just a note to say DON’T download the current nightly 77274f1 if you are on Mac as it extracts but does not load for me.

Still having a lot of fun with this quad phase mode with loads of self-patched modulation going on for crazy waveforms that are all related and synced to each other.

Later on you will also be able to sync these to external clock.


The nightly is back in the water

@Ohmer yeah I saw a state tbing with 4 last night - I think I just have an index error but now I’ve written 3 modes I want to restructure the innards anyway and have that next on my list. I will try and repro and def fix thanks

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You’re welcome Paul! :wink: …and I understand it’s Nightly (dev in progress). At the moment, I don’t produce with VCV Rack, so I’ve the time to do some tests.

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Hi Steve,

could you please check if this plugin version is loading now - ? And you have to be logged in into Github to download.

Thank you.

Unfortunately not, looks like same error as before:

[1.214 info src/plugin.cpp:162 loadPlugin] Loading plugin from /Users/Steve/Documents/Rack2/plugins/SurgeXTRack
[1.490 warn src/plugin.cpp:228 loadPlugin] Could not load plugin /Users/Steve/Documents/Rack2/plugins/SurgeXTRack: Failed to load library /Users/Steve/Documents/Rack2/plugins/SurgeXTRack/plugin.dylib: dlopen(/Users/Steve/Documents/Rack2/plugins/SurgeXTRack/plugin.dylib, 0x0006): symbol not found in flat namespace (__ZN12SurgeStorage29skipPatchLoadDataPathSentinelE)

OK, thank you.

Could you try this - ?

But I think it won’t work either.

No luck, same error as before.

Can you tell me what size the last working plugin.dylib has?

OK nevermind, I got it.

It is about 13MByte for the working version vs 7,5MByte for the not working.

The non-working version is 5.3mb for me and yeah 13.2 for the working.

Please try again with

@steve - this library build seem to have now the correct size - please try with

Sorry dude - close but no cigar…

plugin.dylib now 11.7mb compared to the previous non-working 5.3mb but still not quite the same as the working 13.2mb version.

[1.364 info src/plugin.cpp:162 loadPlugin] Loading plugin from /Users/Steve/Documents/Rack2/plugins/SurgeXTRack
[1.582 warn src/plugin.cpp:228 loadPlugin] Could not load plugin /Users/Steve/Documents/Rack2/plugins/SurgeXTRack: Failed to load library /Users/Steve/Documents/Rack2/plugins/SurgeXTRack/plugin.dylib: dlopen(/Users/Steve/Documents/Rack2/plugins/SurgeXTRack/plugin.dylib, 0x0006): symbol not found in flat namespace (__ZN3ghc10filesystem12is_directoryERKNS0_4pathE)

I checked the Linux version and it wasn’t working either, same issue. Got it working now for Linux, so it should work now also on Mac -


Yay! - that works!

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Hi Paul,

Why Surge XT plugin always create a folder named SurgeXTRack into Documents\Rack2 ? (Windows platform).

This folder is always empty.

Thanks in advance.

In my “Rack2\SurgeXTRack” there is default-skin.json. The file is created if you change the default skin in any surge XT module right-click menu.

Looking in the source, it’s also used to download extra Wavetable VCO content in a future release.


Yeah that’s where we store global settings

In 2.0 it is just default skin settings but I made a directory rather than a file so I could do things like extra content / smaller plugin or other such data

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