Hi Paul, for testing purposes only, from lastest Nightly (77274f1) Windows, the port #4 (red) doesn’t output a LFO signal like other ports, when I bring the QUAD LFO module in rack (I don’t touch any parameter), and seems related/affected by AUDIO output module and related ASIO driver selected:
Just a note to say DON’T download the current nightly 77274f1 if you are on Mac as it extracts but does not load for me.
Still having a lot of fun with this quad phase mode with loads of self-patched modulation going on for crazy waveforms that are all related and synced to each other.
Later on you will also be able to sync these to external clock.
@Ohmer yeah I saw a state tbing with 4 last night - I think I just have an index error but now I’ve written 3 modes I want to restructure the innards anyway and have that next on my list. I will try and repro and def fix thanks
You’re welcome Paul!
…and I understand it’s Nightly (dev in progress). At the moment, I don’t produce with VCV Rack, so I’ve the time to do some tests.
Unfortunately not, looks like same error as before:
[1.214 info src/plugin.cpp:162 loadPlugin] Loading plugin from /Users/Steve/Documents/Rack2/plugins/SurgeXTRack
[1.490 warn src/plugin.cpp:228 loadPlugin] Could not load plugin /Users/Steve/Documents/Rack2/plugins/SurgeXTRack: Failed to load library /Users/Steve/Documents/Rack2/plugins/SurgeXTRack/plugin.dylib: dlopen(/Users/Steve/Documents/Rack2/plugins/SurgeXTRack/plugin.dylib, 0x0006): symbol not found in flat namespace (__ZN12SurgeStorage29skipPatchLoadDataPathSentinelE)
plugin.dylib now 11.7mb compared to the previous non-working 5.3mb but still not quite the same as the working 13.2mb version.
[1.364 info src/plugin.cpp:162 loadPlugin] Loading plugin from /Users/Steve/Documents/Rack2/plugins/SurgeXTRack
[1.582 warn src/plugin.cpp:228 loadPlugin] Could not load plugin /Users/Steve/Documents/Rack2/plugins/SurgeXTRack: Failed to load library /Users/Steve/Documents/Rack2/plugins/SurgeXTRack/plugin.dylib: dlopen(/Users/Steve/Documents/Rack2/plugins/SurgeXTRack/plugin.dylib, 0x0006): symbol not found in flat namespace (__ZN3ghc10filesystem12is_directoryERKNS0_4pathE)
In 2.0 it is just default skin settings but I made a directory rather than a file so I could do things like extra content / smaller plugin or other such data