Surge Rack sporadic crashes after installing VST 1.3

TL;DR: Windows 10, Installed Surge VST 1.3, and now Rack Crashes? Update to Rack 2.2.1 which is stalled in library queue. Follow directions here: Release Release v2.2.1.0 · surge-synthesizer/surge-rack · GitHub

Folks - giving this its own topic for visibility. Here’s a note I sent to support@vcvrack today.

If you are a windows 10 rack user, let me gently suggest you not update the VST until the library process runs and rack 2.2.1 is in your rack surge.

So there’s a problem that some windows 10 users are seing when running Surge VST 1.3 and Surge XT Rack 2.1.8. This is not a problem if you run Surge VST 1.2.3 and Rack 2.1.8, or if you run Surge VST 1.3 and Rack - but is in the library queue not the library

The problem is it causes surge to crash rack pretty hard. There’s some filesystem error which gets raised and we are way more defensive about them in latest version but apparently theres some way our windows installer for the VST can tickle the pre-defensive 2.1.8 rack.

so I’m sending this note for two reasons

  1. It looks like a rack crash [which may generate support requests]. Until Surge is through the library process the answer is install VST 1.2.3 or hand install from Release Release v2.2.1.0 · surge-synthesizer/surge-rack · GitHub

  2. Once the library process has run, some users may still need to blow away the Surge XT to get rack started without a crash and do the download. Blow away plugins/blah as appropriate and re-run the red dot.

this only happens on windows 10 and doesn’t seem to be everyone, but i got 2 inboudns today, and do remember seeing and fixing it during our dev process - just the installs are out of order since the VST released ahead of the library.

Hope this is helpful if you are seeing inbound. Sorry about this also!


Bumping this, since a few more people saw it, and the library update hasn’t happened in the last fortnight. I also reached out to rack team to check on the update.

I cannot load any Surge modules or Reaper implodes and I’m staring at the desktop.

Win 10 VCV Pro 2.4.1

yes, if you follow the instructions above it will fix that.

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Few people still seeing this and we still don’t have 221 in the library although should be soon. So bumping this

I think some ppl been waiting for over a month to get in library, so….

yeah i chatted with the rack team today and the pipeline should reopen this week.


This fix is now in the library


Woo Hoo!!! Confirming that after deleting SurgeXT anywhere I could find it, and placing the Github file in my Rack2 Plugins folder, I am up & running and part of the Surge family!

Thanks to anyone involved in this fix!

The library version also has the fix now

Sorry for the delay. We fixed it right away but ran into an idiosyncratically long delay in the library process.

Have fun!