Suddenly crashing when opening some patches

I am experiencing some problems all of a sudden with Rack. the only things I have done lately is update to the latest fork of @diimdeep macOS version and upgrade my Waves plugins to v12.7. now I am getting crashes opening certain patches in both the official version of Rack and the latest version of the macOS branch. but most patches still load and work fine. its puzzling.

2019 Macbook Pro/10.14.6 Mojave. assuming I should go back to the original @diimdeep branch (which was working fine) or am I better off maybe doing a fresh install of the official Rack and stop using the other branch? maybe there are conflicts between the 2 depending on which version the patch was built in?

any advice is appreciated. thanks

[23.562 fatal src/main.cpp:45] Fatal signal 6. Stack trace:
19: 1   Rack                                0x00000001095d123d _ZL18fatalSignalHandleri + 45
18: 2   libsystem_platform.dylib            0x00007fff64c7ab5d _sigtramp + 29
17: 3   ???                                 0x0000000000001050 0x0 + 4176
16: 4   libsystem_c.dylib                   0x00007fff64b346a6 abort + 127
15: 5   libsystem_c.dylib                   0x00007fff64afd20d basename_r + 0
14: 6   Rack                                0x0000000109915463 _ZN4rack3app10RackWidget9addModuleEPNS0_12ModuleWidgetE.cold.2 + 35
13: 7   Rack                                0x000000010960671c _ZN4rack3app10RackWidget9addModuleEPNS0_12ModuleWidgetE + 108
12: 8   Rack                                0x0000000109605f43 _ZN4rack3app10RackWidget8fromJsonEP6json_t + 147
11: 9   Rack                                0x00000001095d5ccd _ZN4rack12PatchManager8fromJsonEP6json_t + 845
10: 10  Rack                                0x00000001095d4d4f _ZN4rack12PatchManager4loadENSt3__112basic_stringIcNS1_11char_traitsIcEENS1_9allocatorIcEEEE + 223
9: 11  Rack                                0x00000001095d610a _ZN4rack12PatchManager10loadDialogEv + 778
8: 12  Rack                                0x0000000109630a29 _ZN4rack2ui8MenuItem10onDragDropERKNS_5event8DragDropE + 73
7: 13  Rack                                0x00000001095cb851 _ZN4rack5event5State12handleButtonENS_4math3VecEiii + 417
6: 14  AppKit                              0x00007fff3629c01a -[NSWindow(NSEventRouting) _reallySendEvent:isDelayedEvent:] + 1899
5: 15  AppKit                              0x00007fff3629b667 -[NSWindow(NSEventRouting) sendEvent:] + 478
4: 16  AppKit                              0x00007fff3613ae4b -[NSApplication(NSEvent) sendEvent:] + 331
3: 17  Rack                                0x00000001096aa8e1 _glfwPlatformPollEvents + 145
2: 18  Rack                                0x00000001095e946b _ZN4rack6Window3runEv + 155
1: 19  Rack                                0x00000001095d0d6a main + 1450
0: 20  Rack                                0x000000010956a034 start + 52

With my branch I only had once similar crash and with only with BZ mapper, but after macOS reboot it disappeared and never come back again for me. (I though that was some runtime bug inside macOS UI framework)

update: these crashes for me seemed to be related to my icloud backups. i’ve since disabled the cloud backups and back up externally now. havent had a crash since.