stoermelder's Musical Experiments

Can’t really say yet. I just browsed through the presets and found something I liked. I have to play with it a bit more :face_with_monocle:

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Sounds fantastic Ben! I like your new philosophy, it seems to be working well:)


really nice!

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Nice, Ben. I have fights with my perfectionist demons all the time!

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Nice sound Ben!

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Well congratulations Ben! This was a perfectly enjoyable and very nice piece, perfect enough for me, says someone always fighting his own perfectionistic gene. And now I look forward to the next one… :slight_smile: Do you have a link for the case on ModularGrid?

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this is very nice!

and yeah, perfectionism would mean i would never get anything done. i’m a big believer in the open source mantra: release early, release often. even “works in progress” are often liked by people. i also believe in happy accidents. an imperfect performance is better than none.

i do what i enjoy. that’s what i make music for. and if other people enjoy it as well, even better.

and as you see, we here enjoy this what you’re doing. so, do more of it!


I did not plan anything, it is merely a collection of modules I found interesting and got cheap in the last 12 months…


Looks like you’re going to have a lot of fun with those pieces in the case, Ben. Looking forward to more…

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So, I got my stuff back home. I carried some gear over to my workplace over a long weekend, helping me to concentrate on music. That was a success, without doubt!

I had about 500 ideas what I could do but I had to stop at some point to get something done.
For example, I first tried to integrate my Volca Nubass as a lead synth. That did not work out very well, so it went back on the baseline. I did kill the levels with the resonance at some point, not sure how I could miss that…
I also tried to integrate Maschine Jam as MIDI controller which works quite Ok but I guess it needs a dedicate module at some point. Mapping various parameters gets quite tedious… also, I want it to work as a step sequencer without Maschine-software…

I will do a second take in the next few days before I take this patch apart. First, I need to watch my levels more carefully, second I think it could be bit longer… that been said, I really do like the atmosphere this piece has :slight_smile:


Nice one Ben!

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Very nice job. I enjoyed that.

Lush. Definitely embrace the mistakes. They can sometimes be the best bits of a track because it just works and you’d never have thought to do it that way.

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Super music! Visions on steroids… keep up the heat!

long time ago i made a maschine 8 step trig sequencer

this was my first module.

all the upcoming modules i made( MpSeries,for mpk25 specifically are missing the smooth integration, without need for mapping). i have 40 presets on mpk25 so each one is on different channel.

for now i use them as a Strip including midi-cat+module (:heart_eyes:) …


It’s been some time since I uploaded something, nothing spectacular, but hey it’s Jamuary :smiley:


Nice collection of hardware there Ben :slight_smile: And nice tune as well!


Very chill! Bravo! :clap: :clap:

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Again, nothing spectacular. Took the exact same patch like “Gravity Turn” and got inspired by a movie I watched in the last few days.


See you later at…

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