Stoermelder Strip: Not only good for saving "strips"

Yes, actually two:


Thanks Ben, still no joy.

Screen grab below shows what I’m attempting to exclude from randomisation, the modulation knobs are excluded correctly but the mapping in the router still changes when I hit randomise, attempting to lock the mapping buttons with grip also has no effect.


Edit: Tried switching to include mode, included tune, bend & time, hit randomise and the three included controls changed as expected, along with the mapping in the modulation router, I’m guessing (as I can’t look at the source) that this is a Vult specific issue? @modlfo?

The modulation router slots are not parameters, that’s why it’s not possible to lock. The parameters you see (“Trummor 2 Slot 1 Select”) are the buttons. For now it’s not possible to lock the modulation router.

Thanks Leonardo, so we can’t lock but we CAN randomise, somewhat confused by that, can live with it though :slight_smile:

Edit: A workaround should anyone else wish to do similar selective randomisation with Vult modules that include the mod router:

STRIP needs to exclude the channel selectors on the POLYCON16s and the POLYCON16s range should be 0-10V.

I could add an option the which excludes the randomization of the module itself, so only parameters get randomized. We’ll see what I can do.


That would be handy & I’d be grateful, my workaround isn’t ideal.

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Play around with the module and i love it. Is there a possibilitiy where the randomization glides between new values. To make the changes less sudden?

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Something similar could be handy in 8/16FACE too.

That won’t be possible: 8FACE loads presets of a module and every module handles presets its own way, so I can’t interfere here. But you can lock some parameters with GRIP even if you use 8FACE…


I could imagine two different randomization modes for Strip:

  • mode A:
    Strip randomizes the module and I can deselect parameters which I don’t want to randomize

  • mode B:
    Strip doesn’t randomize anything, but I can/need to choose parameters which I would like to randomize
