Stoermelder MIDI-CAT MIDI note behavior.inconsistent!

This is driving me nuts @stoermelder !

Sometimes when I add a MIDI-CAT to map the mute buttons on MindMeld Mixmaster. When I try and map a MIDI note to a mute button, it instead treats them as controllers. Meaning that when I right click on the mapping in MIDI-CAT UI, it shows this:


This means I can’t set a mapping of (for example) C#1 to Toggle mode, which is what MindMeld Mixmaster mute buttons expect. If I do map C#1 to a Mute button on MixMaster, nothing happens when I press C#1 on my controller.

When it MIDI-CAT works correctly I go through this rigamarole to get the mutes mapped on Mixmaster.

  1. Map one key, C#1 for example, to a mute button.
  2. Right click on that first mapping in the MIDI-CAT UI, and set the input mode to Toggle.
  3. After that you can map other keys, and it will follow the ‘Toggle’ mode of the first mapping.

Is there a way to set up MIDI-CAT so it works predictably to map MIDI notes?

The UI changes depending on MIDI notes and MIDI CC… if nothing is mapped to a slot some of the settings are hidden. Can you try mapping the MIDI controller first and then your buttons on the module?

Did my previous response help?

Yes it did, I think. I instantiated a MIDI-CAT, then set the MIDI device and clicked ‘map’ and hit a key.

I think there’s something wonky about it. 90% of the time I click where it says ‘Unmapped’, hit a key, then click the button I want to map. 10% of the time it acts like it maps the key, but treats the mapping as though it was a CC.

But don’t feel like you’ve done anything wrong. VCV MIDI map seems to only map CC (i.e. knobs & pedals)

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