Believe me, I can be patient, and I will keep using Rack 1.1.6 for projects expressly because of @stoermelder modules. I’ll really miss Blamsoft as well, & hope they take the time to update to Rack2.
The fact is, Stoermelder stuff - 8Face Mk2 specifically - completely inspired a new way to compose music for me.
Being able to snapshot a whole set of modules, including quantizers & sequencers means that it’s easy to do what’s actually the hardest part of working with a modular synth - changing. With a hardware modular, you pretty much have to record, repatch, record, and then edit a performance together. You can’t make a unified performance where you change things in the moment.
Paradoxically being able to do that combines two things: spontaneity and pre-planning. And because of how 8face works, you can also swap in a whole new ‘scene’ and then tweak and mutate it live, without losing your original work. And save the transformed scene to a new slot, so that the next performance can improve by using some of the moments of improvisation from the last.