StarshipSoundtrack Challenge (July 2024)

Yes, I also played with the sample and hold in the V/Oct and with a slightly controlled range and those gloomy notes appear when not entering a scale and without quantization… Thank you

Well, after a couple of errors, here it is my definitive version of NOSTROMO for this challenge…


@Andre_M gave me permission to record and post a video of his patch above, to make it easier for all of us to enjoy. Here it is:

If anyone else could use assistance with recording and posting starship videos, I’m happy to help!


Very cool pairing of audio track with processed movie! Thank you for contributing!

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For anyone interested, I am maintaining a YouTube playlist of all the entries for which we have YouTube videos provided in this thread, and in the same sequence:


Here’s another take on the same idea. And I humbly ask @cosinekitty to do the same, to record the video. It’s a bit slower in development. Meaning it’s not just one loop going rounds. It’s more random-depending. Dependent? Whatever. You can adjust the probability of “Chances” for this patch to go faster. Anyway. Here it is. Light dubby psychedelic thing. Like one 1/100th of what Carbon Based Lifeforms would do in a track, haha StarshipSoundtrack July 2024_Template_yier2 (1).vcv (27.0 KB)

*I just noticed that Hora kick is misbehaving. I remember having troubles with some of their modules… I’ll try to replace it. Wait a second

**done! Replaced it with another Kick


Glad to help, Yier. Here it is:


Heh… very cool.

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Brilliant idea! Also, so many good patches! :heart_eyes:

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Well, how’s everything? I had a question about your rack and I’ve seen that you fit visuals into the racks. How do you do this? Where do those screens come from? Is it something external? thank you

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Hi! There’s a module called RPJ Visualizer, so I just put it there, plugged it in and that’s all, haha.


woo thanks I really like it, it’s an incredible resource although my cpu slows down a bit. Do you know if there is any thread about visuals in vcv rac? I think you’ve been here longer and have more knowledge.

that’s very off-topic, haha. But no. You can try searching the forum. there is a search thing on the top right corner, the looking glass. try it

Try filtering using the “Visual” tag.

hehehehehe I understand what you mean vcv is what it is for I will all look for thanks

Here is my second of five entries. As a reminder, we are allowed as many as five entries in this challenge, but no more, so as to allow everyone’s work to be seen and noticed.

And here is the patch.


Obsolete future. Hi there. This is a patch made of some modules. Also I put some cables between them in order to make connections, tweaking some pots, you know.

StarshipSoundtrack July 2024_cabotage_ksm.vcv (7.5 KB)


I’d prefer to know where the Alien is :wink: but what a great submission…love the artwork and the special sound effects…


The machines are quiet after something tore a hole in the hull and ripped them apart. The crew no longer slumbers and are looking for whatever attacked their ship. Fear is taking hold of them. Oxygen level: 75% and dropping.

N.B. MIDI is there again only to help with recording.

N.B.2. This patch requires Rack 2.5.2: it uses one stacked cable to rein in the monsters and tell them to wait for their cue.

event_horizon.vcv (12.5 KB)


Also, FYI: “this module uses MilkDrop/Winamp presets”.

The MilkDrop from the glorious Winamp are a series of music visualzers and they are just gorgeous.