StarshipSoundtrack Challenge (July 2024)

I started this when it was announced and didn’t quite finish it. But sort of tweaked it a bit now, added a compressor on the back, and adjusted levels as it rendered, and it’s OK, so figure what the heck, share it here.


Oh, this is VERY fun. It definitely has the scifi blinkenlights feeling to it. I love the sound design for some of the more melodic + detuned voices. Great stereo field too! Thank you Paul!

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I only discovered it on some else’s YouTube demo and heard it as they scrolled the knobs…paused the video and figured out the settings and experimented until I got something. And then I found out there are easier ways and modules to get this done. :grinning:

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Many thanks to @cosinekitty for working out and hosting this terrific challenge, and no less to all contributors for their ingenious entries and comments! There are a couple more days to go.

Unfortunately, I am currently lacking the time to continue with the challenges. However, @cosinekitty has agreed to be your host going forward. I hope I can at least be back for an occasional patch.

I had much fun here, thank you to everyone!


Thank you, @Alphagem-O! I have a new challenge idea ready for everyone. I will post a new thread on Thursday August 1 for us all to get started. In the meantime, you still have 3 more days to submit your final starship patch(es) here! I still have one more myself… stay tuned.


Here’s my entry, sorry for the compression… I can’t seem to get the REC module to work for video, so I just used quicktime to screen record and it looks awful. Maybe I’ll figure it out eventually.

Thanks for having these monthly challenges!


For the August challenge (which starts tomorrow), in the template file I will include a mixer and hook up Audio and REC correctly to it. I will also configure the REC to save to mp4 MPEG-2 format video for upload to YouTube.

I think this will make it easier for VCV rackers who haven’t recorded videos before.

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Not to rain on your parade, but how you gonna do that ?

Oops. I edited my post with correction. Thanks!

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I don’t remember what the issue is/was, but I never had much luck with the VCV Recorder MPEG-2 output format. I’ve resorted to recording to HuffYUV (ridiculously large files) and then converting to mp4 with VLC Media Player.

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Plus I’m on Linux so… who knows??? It would be good to hear if there is a consensus video format for people on Windows and/or Mac.

@goldtorizo I’m listening to your entry again now that I have more time. I love the mysterious vibe, and the US Navy / UFO footage was genius. It would be perfect incidental music for The X-Files. Thank you for contributing. Your video has been added to the “Starship Soundtrack” playlist on YouTube.

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My fifth and final entry for this month’s creative adventure. I imagined floating through immense clouds of hydrogen and dust that would some day form new stars and planets. But for now, it is incredibly cold and dark.

Here is the patch.


I’ve had no problems with MPEG-2 under Windows; but… not the best format these days.

I’ve seen some code for MPEG-4 in the Recorder source, I wonder why it’s not enabled :(.

Has something to with rights and costs, Andrew explained it somewhere some time ago.


Got it :

The Challenge is Closed!

I hereby declare the end of video submissions for the Starship Challenge. There were a lot of fun entries and conversation this month. I say a big thank you to everyone who took the time to participate.


Once more, here is the YouTube playlist I created for all the starship videos submitted this month.

Final Thoughts?

I’ll keep this thread open for another week for any final thoughts or ideas. What did you learn? What did you like about this experience? What could we do better for future challenges?


I see… thanks :slight_smile:

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Where is “Oinks in Orbit” and that emotional ballad “Beacon” :wink:

Thanks, I missed those two videos. It was not intentional! I just added them to the playlist.


I didn’t make machine sounds, but imagened me flying on my starship through space —

The bridge crew has dropped everything they’re supposed to be doing, and they’re all staring at the forward viewport. :hushed: :hushed: :hushed: :hushed: :hushed: :hushed: :hushed: