Squinktronix re-launch, with three free modules

Ah, that’s very nice to hear. ATM I’m actually working on addressing some feedback on Harmony. There are definitely some “errors” in the chords it is generating. Hopefully the result is that the next test version will sound a little better (or be “more correct” for those who know about such things).

Anyway, I have every intention of getting these modules into the library.

I’ve been trying to enter all the reports into the github database so I don’t forget them. And some ppl enter them directly (which saves me work!). That is here: Issues · squinkylabs/SqHarmony · GitHub

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There a new release, 2.2.1 up on the github here

I made some improvements to the modules since the last test (2.2.0)

Release 2.2.1 has:

  • New rules in Harmony
  • Fixed the bug in Arpeggiator that made stuck notes with mono gates.
  • Nothing new in Phase Patterns. It needs a lot of work before being tested again.

If you are interested you can download them and/or look at the changelog


Arpeggiator seems to be working great now! I tested Arpeggiator with a variety of 3 and 4 note chords and I heard no wrong notes. Thanks for fixing this. Harmony is also sounding very good in my several test patches.

I have a lot of Harmony and Arpeggiator patches. I will test more of them.

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I did just crash Rack. Whereas the log does not have a stack trace-back crash message, the last thing in the log is “Creating module widget Squinktronix Arpeggiator”. This patch was created using Squinktronix 2.2.0 . The log does say that it is using Squinktronix 2.2.1 but the patch was created using 2.2.0 . Do you think there could be a json issue? This patch only had Arpeggiiator and not Harmony in it. I loaded fine the 2nd try. I loaded other patches that used 2.2.0 and none crashed Rack, so this may have been a fluke.

There was no change to the json format. If there is a bug it’s probably in all of them. Also could be a fluke.

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Sorry about no updates recently. I’ve been working on (of all things) the Harmony module. Should be getting a new release of that soon, then back to Phase Patterns.


It appears to me that the Squinktronix re-launch went live this morning, but, I cannot find it in the VCV library. Am I mistaken?

Are you, like me, seeing that the corresponding Github issue is showing as Up-to-date? This usually means it’s now available in the library, but in this case it isn’t really.

My guess is that this happened because the Github bot saw that the issue had been closed yesterday, and this seems to be a trigger for automatically changing the status to Up-to-date.

Yeah, that is what I saw. Not sure what it means.

Yeah, I had opened an issue to explore library distribution, but I closed as resolved after I got the info I need. I still need to do some things.


There’s a new test version posted. Not too many changes singe the last one.

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I like the new Harmony score rendering. I’m having to read up on “figured bass” notation. I’m feeding the Root note to Harmony from Meander with both set to Am, so it is fun to watch the harmonic degrees notation tracking.

I have to say that notation is not at all “second nature” to me, but someone asked for it, and the stuff I had before was my own hacketry, so it sounded like a good idea. I was surprised that music smufl doesn’t seem to have special roman numerals…

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now I’ve submitted it. No guarantee I didn’t make any mistakes, or course.


Thank you for these awesome modules! I am wondering whether they behave any different and produce divergent results when comparing related modes such as C Major, A minor or G Mixolydian as the respective scale. Or is the outcome solely dependent on the input notes in that case?

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I think the manual explains that the modes just choose the notes from the mode, so a min and cmaj are the same. The manual point out that the resulting harmony is usually only “correct” for major.


Thank you for the response! Re-reading the manual made it clear now.

Having Harmony harmonize to a scale beyond Major would be really nice, but I suspect that it is significantly more complicated to implement.

Yeah, that module is based on rules from when there was only major (I think). To do minor properly by the fairly old rules would required the melodic minor, which is much more complicated.

Perhaps in the future I can make a module that is less obsessed with these old rules and can work better with the other modes. Although I hope it’s still good sounding and/or fun as it is with the modes.


in europe we use the harmonic minor in the study of the harmony, and the rules could be devastating, so… be careful! :smiley:

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