Sonus Open Sourced previously paid modules since I asked them.

Greetings Jeremy, I am not sure if I will be able to manage to build the ARM version of the (former) commercial plugins anytime soon, so in the meanwhile I open sourced the code, you can find the repositories here: Loopus Modules | Sonus Dept. / loopusmodules · GitLab Semiramis | Sonus Dept. / Semiramis · GitLab Best regards, Valerio

I tried to build loopusmodules but get a symbol not found in flat namespace '__ZN3stk8FileWvIn4tickEj'

Does somebody want to help build these?

I don’t know whether this will help, but __ZN3stk8FileWvIn4tickEj looks like the mangled name for the member function FileWvIn::tick(), which appears in src/stk/FileWvIn.cpp. Is it possible your build process is missing the nested directory stk?


YES! its working! thank you!


Hi Jeremy,
is there any chance you can share a win binary?

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Technically not open source, but kind of “source available” I guess?

Nobody is allowed to use this code other than build it for personal use.

(which implies that you cannot distribute a binary that you build …)

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Ah, thnx for the info :slight_smile: