Solved! VCV rack2 does record but not everything what is audible.

Hi all,

Yea, I pretty much told everything in the title: VCV rack2 does recording but not everything what is audible. Probably I screwed up the patch or something. Seems like nothing I do with the delay is in the recording. Any advice about this topic is appreciated!

From the pic, you can see that there is a wire going from the Delay (purple) to the audio module, this wire is stacked (you put 2 (or more) wires in one input. In order to record what you are hearing you need to do the same with the Rec module, so also connect a wire from the delay to the L/mon of Rec. A better way is to use the Delay wire to go to VCA mix 4 and mix in the signal. (then the signals going to Audio and Rec will be the same, coming from the mix of the VCA MIX)

Okay, make sense, solved it. Thanks!

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