sickoLooper5 for beta testing

Only the samplers have this option, not the loopers, AFAICT.

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I’m terribly sorry! I forgot that. But I remember that on project reopening the previous samples should be already avaliable

Ah no problem. Thanks anyway for the support. Maybe something for a future update?

I’ll check when I’ll be on pc. The feature you’re asking should be already there

Sorry for the back and forth. Actually it does work!

I have another question now. My patch has a Pam’s as master clock and I would like to start the looper from the beginning of the loop in sync with other sequencers. But the looper sometimes starts in time with the rest of the patch and sometimes with a delay. How do I best set it up to start right away?

Some considerations on sickoLooper1.
Since it was designed to work with ‘n’ sickoLooperX, the possibility of presets was deliberately not included, because I was unable to find a practical way to also save the samples present in the expanders.
However if you save the patch, the loops are recorded in the .vcv file, and available for future use of that particular patch. It works for me.
Please note that it is not possible to keep the samples if you “save the selection”.

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I think the delay problem may be that the master clock gate can stay high when stopped.
I have never used PAM’s, so please double check this.

Thank you for your help. I just can’t get it to start the loop consistently with an external clock. The click is consistent and always starts on time. But sometimes the green bar “evolves” right away, sometimes it takes 2 measures to start moving. I’m not sure why, it almost seems random. I am resetting the clock between plays, but it doesn’t seem to make a difference.

The clock from Pamela’s Pro is just a plain series of pulses and always resets to zero on stop, so I don’t think that’s it.

If it’s doing the same also with other external clock modules, you can send me your patch in some way (free modules only) and I’ll have a look

Wow ok! I will pick it up in the morning but in this patch I am trying to get SL1 SLX and the “live” Kickall to play in sync after looping. looper test.vcv (268.2 KB)

fwiw, most VCV users seem to use “clocked” from Impromptu as their master clock.

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Actually PPW is amazing. It’s not the clock that is the issue

ok, boss.

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The recorded loop in the patch is offset, it will never go in sync.
Please note that if you record loops manually you have to be careful when you press the rec button, just before the clock you want to start recording. And the same when later you press the play button.
This is because sickoLooper can’t determine which external clock signal is the first of the measure (In this patch every measure counts 4 clock triggers), so you have to make some practice to get things in sync if you’re going manual.

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Can’t there be a way to start from a paused or stopped state though? Why wouldn’t it just start recording or playing on the first clock pulse, just like the click can start on the first click if you reset before starting the clock.

I guess you are assuming the clock is constantly running but wouldn’t it be reasonable for it to work with starting and stopping the external clock.

Anyway maybe this is me just trying to use the wrong module for the job.

You can use the buttons CV inputs and find a way with clock dividers, meter adjustment, or even keeping sickoLooper unsynced to get what you’re trying to achieve.

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