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Single dry-wet knob for stereo audio

Controls the intensity (D/W) of an effect in a stereo audio signal with a single knob. Employs XFADE (Bogaudio) to crossfade between dry and wet signal using its MIX knob.

Stereo (L/R) channels are first merged into a polyphonic signal using MergeSplit4 (Grande), then fed into XFADE and split again afterwards by going back to MergeSplit4.

Single dry-wet knob for stereo audio_20241127.vcvs (3.3 KB)

Single dry-wet knob for stereo audio_20241127

Here is a use case controlling the D/W-signal of Elastika (Sapphire):

Use case_Single dry-wet knob for stereo audio_20241127.vcvs (14.1 KB)