Share your patch selections (.vcvs)

Basic drum beat: Kick, off-beat hihat and clap

Basic drum beat w. kick, off-beat HH and clap_20240420.vcvs (8.1 KB)

This one is very basic, but for some reason it took me some time to nail it the way I wanted it. Replace drum modules with any sounds/samples. Chronoblob 2 (Alright) to create the clocked off-beat offset for the hihat. Adjust the Time knobs in CVD (Bogaudio) to change timings and groove.


if i do a patch selection i often use teleport modules

so my main clock is always named clk0

if i insert such a selection the clock is already present and runs

a note module to describe the outgoing teleport modules. So i only need to add the missing teleport moduls , connect them and it should work


This is a nice idea! I assume you are referring to the Teleport modules by Little Utils.

So far, I usually keep a clock module in the .vcvs and rewire the clock manually to the master after the import. But I envision that it can save you a bit of effort when importing a selection, as long as you adhere to a predefined standard.

Thanks for the tip!

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FWIW, there is a Windows port, here: Release Version 2.0.0 - Windows build · Ahornberg/AriaModules · GitHub I have it working on a Win10 laptop, but I rarely use that (instead of my MacBook Pro).

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Thank you for the recommendation, John!

I tried @Ahornberg’s port of Darius in Rack v2, but unfortunately it does not run properly for me on a WIN10 desktop computer. For example, I cannot turn any of the CV or probability knobs in the matrix. Not sure whether any issues have been described for the port.

Darius v1 runs fine in VCV Rack v1, but I rarely fire up this older version of Rack.

Subharmonic Rhythm Voice

Inspired by the Moog Subharmonicon, this voice uses polyrhythms and subharmonics to generate basslines, chords, and melodies in interesting harmonic patterns.

There are 4 divisons of the clock to use: Divisions 1 & 2 go into the top logic circuit of BINARY and 3 & 4 into the bottom one. Changing or sequencing these divisions, the Output mode, the “On the 1”, and the logic operators on BINARY will give a variety of rhythms. For each Logic Out there is an ADDR sequencer and an AD envelope.

3U version - SubharmonicRhythm1.vcvs (14.9 KB)

6U version - SubharmonicRhythm2.vcvs (15.3 KB)



mono-to-stereo_reverb_with_mid-side.vcvs (7.9 KB)


Nice! I recreated your patch. It helped me understand mid/side processing a bit better. Which I still cant quite wrap my head around yet.:grinning:

the manual with a good explanation and few tricks at the bottom of the page
the above patch is taken from there

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few more selections

ultra_basic_patch.vcvs (2.9 KB)

poly_random_AND_spread_16ch.vcvs (6.2 KB)

multichannel_vca_volume.vcvs (5.0 KB)

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few more

cloulds_random.vcvs (6.0 KB)

charleston_modular_charlie.vcvs (4.1 KB)

buffer_arm_trig_shoot.vcvs (7.1 KB)

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3 more

pseudo-musicbox-FREE.vcvs (15.3 KB)

complex_CV_ale47p.vcvs (13.7 KB)

C-Harp.vcvs (9.9 KB)

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This patch selection is nice! Allows for easy rhythm creation and variation. Well done!

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Rackwindows Interstage does not seem to be available from the VCV Library anymore. Is there a usable substitute for the module?



Thank you for sharing this terrific concept of converting mono signals into stereo! Here is your patch after updating the Interstage with the version by Airwindows, as suggested by @PaulPiko (Thanks!).

mono-to-stereo_reverb_with_mid-side_Airwindows version_20240731.vcvs (10.4 KB)

I then created a use case with a serene string-like sound and key controls being managed via PatchMaster. Import this .vcvs via stoermelder’s STRIP++ as described elsewhere.

Mono signal to stereo reverb_Use case_20240731.vcvs (26.0 KB)

Thank you for sharing these nine basic patch selections! Very nice and useful and educational :+1:!

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I’m glad you like them :+1:
I was looking at your patch and this afternoon I’ll take a look at “proteus”, looks interesting

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I think Proteus is great!

If you don’t know it, also take a look at the Proteus expander (ProteusX) to add even more variety using rests, transpose and a pattern bank.

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Voltage-controlled switch

A signal of 0-10V determines which output the input is routed to.

Voltage-controlled switch_20240810.vcvs (6.6 KB)

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