Sequencing VCV Rack from Reaper

Was messing around today with using an external MIDI software sequencer without using the bridge. (I’ve never used the bridge, but manual says it’s deprecated so avoided it.) Put together a quick demo and some tips:

(can’t wait for VST version of VCV Rack, going to be much easier to work with!)


Excellent tutorial - thanks!

That’s great! It will work with any DAW, but I’m pretty sure it’s Windows only or? And about the audio, if you have already Reaper open, you can use ReaRoute and then you won’t have any issues with colliding interfaces. It’s actually also really easy to record this way.

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Well done! It’s a good alternative to bridge and should work with any DAW.

loopMidi is windows only, but if you search for "loopback midi " I know I’ve used similar programs on OSX (at least) before - IIRC it might even have something built in.

Good call on ReaRoute, hadn’t looked into that - will investigate!

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Can we use ReaRoute to output CV into the audio our cable into the V/oct input on an oscillator or gate info into the clock inputs of a vcv?

I’m not so sure I understand…

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lol. i’m not sure i understand either more wine

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For inter-app MIDI connections in macOS, there’s the IAC Bus, it’s factory-installed but one has to activate it in the audioMIDI utility.