Why i ask, just today tried to save module’ presets first time (this was Nysthi Dissonantverb, very cool verb btw) and did catch some wrong behavior, like wrong recall after preset’ reload (this was not my settings i mean). Then, next saved preset despite changed parameters, was saved exactly with the same values as previous saved preset (that i additionally did see by text editor inside preset file).
Then i re-run VCV (used standalone that time), and tried to make few presets again - and this time it seems all saved\recalled ok.
So, i’m afraid, is there any known pattern’s maybe which has bad affect to correct preset saving ? This damn cool ability, and wouldn’t want it to work bad.
So, to get this right you’re saying that module presets are broken when Rack is VST and are working in Rack standalone, at least with this particular module.
So first question to narrow this down to a rack issue or module issue is: does the same thing happen with a module from a different brand?
No no, all described was with standalone case variant.
Ok i will check this subj with different modules\cases, and will write about result.
Mainly i just wanted to make sure that this is not some known problem (or for example known for some particular popular module etc).
I still hope (judging by lack of messages) that it was just some occasional glitch for me. Additionally i remember that after closing vcv (with that described case) the vcv was hanged in processes then, so before restart i forced to kill process first.
So ok, i hope all this just local case.
BTW need note that Dissonantverb does not save “Freeze” button condition (not by presets nor with vcv project), but i guess this is by design (correct me if im wrong).