Sanguine Mutants Releases

@Bloodbat The new Warps clones are excellent. It would be awesome if they supported polyphony as well. :pray:

Thanks :slight_smile: I might look into that :slight_smile:


What’s been going on in our underground labs?

  • The cryochambers were opened and the next release will include at least two new modules. (One is already in the nightlies).

  • We found a mine right under our noses, so the next release will include golden ports for polyphonic modules. (Already in the nightlies)

  • Our mutation experts have been hard at work and, due to popular demand, both the Mutants and the Monsters will include two selectable faceplates: “Vitriol”, with the beloved color scheme we’ve been using so far and “Plumbago”: made from a substance as black as night (but not patented by a company that makes non sticky stuff nor exclusively distributed by some painter); they locked me in the electric meditation chamber, so the logos remain.

  • The mad scientist screwed his head on the right way and noticed some of the textures were exported with the wrong color settings. After a few stern; but loving, words between him and the whip, they were exported properly. The differences are slight; but some of you might notice them. (Already in the nightlies).

New ports for polyphonic modules!

These are concepts and not yet available; but this is what the “Plumbago” faceplates will look like.