Sanguine Monsters Releases

All announcements for Sanguine Monsters will appear here going forward.

Sanguine Monsters 2.1.0 has been released!

  • Clone monophonic channels to polyphonic outputs with our new, resident cloner “Dolly-X”! An undead sheep bent on cloning everything you feed it. It has such zeal… it began by cloning itself: this is a dual module.

  • Want to select a single channel from a polyphonic input to use as a switch? The creature in “Oraculus” has you covered!

  • Need a flexible fixed voltage source? “Raiju”, the lightning wolf, obeys your commands. It even offers a polyphonic output with one of each of the eight available voltages always at the ready. Need several copies of the same voltage as a polyphonic output? Each voltage channel can clone itself in its individual output, with user selectable clone counts per channel.

  • Want an attractive Euclidean sequencer? “Sphinx” is ready to produce a variety of patterns

    • Based on Southpole’s SNS; but with several enhancements:
      • It actually lets you set up to 32 steps.
      • Fixes an annoying bug where spurious steps were being generated if padding and rotation were applied at the same time.
      • The OLED screen changes color to reflect the currently selected mode (and controls show up in the darkness as they should, because the light hurts vampires’ eyes).
      • No need for menu diving! Everything is right there on the face plate.
      • Generates triggers on End of Cycle.
  • Want to easily synchronize audio and video in post? You need slates and, ideally, firing every recorder at once! You need “Brainz”! “Brainz” is a complex sequencer for controlling recorders and sending recordable metronome “slates” or audio bursts so that outputs can be easily synchronized. The best place to start using it is reading the manual.

  • “Hydra” and “Gegenees” now gray out their inactive steps: visuals are important!

  • While drunk step buttons that briefly flash their unselected state when you click them is a passing amusement… it gets old fast. So this is fixed in “Hydra” and “Gegenees”.

  • The manuals for Monsters and Mutants now have their own repository! Update your Monsters today so they point to the proper address!

  • The manual covers every available module so far and even includes a short tale for every monster!

Get your Monsters here!


Sanguine Monsters 2.2.0 has been released!

This time it includes a tasty little six-limbed morsel: “Bukavac” a noisy creature with a plethora of colors and Perlin noise!

Based on the Fundamentals noise generator (what they perceive as “Black” we count as “Prism”, though) and NauModular’s “Perlin”. It includes light up outputs for each of the available noise colors and the Perlin Mix; as well as individual ports for each Perlin octave to use in those crazy loud modulations (or noise shapes!) Every output can be used simultaneously (what your CPU will think of that is a different matter).

This release also cures the Sphinx’s shyness when looked at in the module browser or bypassed; gives the shyness taken from Sphinx back to the shaped lights, for they were overconfident, and gives Brainz a light touch-up because it banged against the glass jar to complain it didn’t like its direction button. Monsters and Mutants have been collected in the browser under the same Brand: Sanguine Modules, so… now you know.

Get your Monsters here!


Like living on the edge? Think manuals are just manufacturer suggestions or skip them entirely? Want the latest Monsters? Get a nightly build! Now available for the Monsters here:


Some of the beings now prowling in the Monsters and Mutants nightlies…

Marmora and Medusa are there…

The wise Sphinx can now run in reverse (and is used here as a funky clock divider).


Well… that took a while…

Sanguine Monsters 2.3.0 has been released!

New Modules

  • Enjoy an attractive Sample & Hold, Hold & Track and Track & Hold with Dungeon! Another sample and hold you say? Well… yes! I wanted one that I like looking at and, also, some existing modules have svg shaped lights that change colors; but none that I could find that was open source, so I wrote one, perhaps someone else will benefit from one way to do it that can be studied.

  • Attenuvert, offset and control any and all voltages with Kitsune: a quad attenuverter inspired by the Befaco dual attenuverter… this one has inputs normalled in pairs (i.e 3 normalled to 1; 4 normalled to 2), like the Befaco hardware module does.

  • Sink unused signals, generate 0V and hold your cables with Oubliette! There are a few other modules that do this; but I found them a bit illogical to use, so… here’s mine.

  • Always wanted a really big, smart mult? Medusa has you covered! Multiply a signal up to 32 times or up to 32 inputs to n outputs with an smart, connection driven polyphonic mult. Need visual indicators to know where a multiply begins and ends? Medusa does this as well! A must for organizing really big patches!

  • Need second timers? Perhaps trigger counters? How about four of them? Aion offers clock or trigger driven counters that can reset themselves or with manual and CV control in a pretty quad module.

  • Like distortion? Wave folding? Let your audio signals growl and howl with Werewolf: a polyphonic, stereo distortion based on cf’s disto.

  • Have you ever wanted a mixer that separates polyphonic channels into individual ones, can attenuate or amplify their signals and sum them into a monophonic one or back into a polyphonic cable with the levels you set? Alchemist is there for you! With individual VU meters per channel built into its sliders. Need every channel separately without using an splitter? The Alembic expander for Alchemist offers outputs for each of the 16 possible channels and CV control for their levels.

New features for existing modules

  • Sphinx can run in reverse!

  • Modules are quite more attractive when displayed in the module browser.

Bug fixes!

  • Hydra and Gegenees are not sample & holds… so they output 0 volts when nothing is connected to them.

  • Sphinx won’t output an EOC when starting.

  • Brainz recovered a couple of neurons lost in the jaring process and pays more attention to CV triggers to control it.

Misc. Changes

  • Polyphonic modules are more efficient thanks to SIMD instructions.

  • The “sanguine” prefix is no longer part of module names: easier to search for them in the browser.

  • Save some disk space! Shaped lights and backlit buttons have been reworked and are now colored at run-time, so individual lights are no longer separate svgs. If you’re an existing user of an old release or the nightlies, the way to benefit from this is deleting the SanguineMonsters folder from your plugins directory, and reinstalling the plugin from the 2.3.0 release. This is needed because the Rack plugin installer is not really smart: it mostly decompresses a kind of custom container. Sooo… delete the SanguineMonsters folder, and install the new vcvplugin for Monsters as you normally would and get some precious disk space back!

As usual, each Monster has a little tale in the manual!

Here’s to hoping the next release doesn’t take this long :stuck_out_tongue:

You can find the 2.3.0 release at the usual spot:


I am extremely happy to report that the Monsters can now also be obtained from the Library.


“Plumbago” faceplates and golden poly ports for the Monsters are now available in the nightlies :slight_smile: .


Sanguine Monsters 2.3.1 has been released! This is an important bug fix release!

If you are not using the nightlies, this release is available in the usual spot, will drop in the Library soon, hopefully.

The most important items are:

  • Fixes the plugin crashing Rack Pro when it is used as a guest and patches are loading.

  • Theme support for existing modules.

No new modules are offered.


  • Polyphonic ports are now shown with golden jacks.


  • Display rendering order.

  • Werewolf Gain and Fold now respect polyphonic CV.