Do you know an alternative to the RJModules Octaves, (which has not been updated for VCV 2) ?
It’s like the VCV octave module but with eight channels.
I made an equivalent from the VCV module, but as you can see it’s not very practical and takes up space.
I just found LittleUtils BST. It’s already better,
As you can see, I also have to double the network for ADSR, otherwise the VCV only receives the three initial signals, and therefore only outputs three voices.
Maybe there’s a smarter way to do this. I’d like it to be more compact and less cabliquitous haha.
The perfect module(s) exists: Stoermelder Affix for up to 16 channels, and uAffix (MicroAffix) for up to 8 channels. The module context menu lets you choose the mode of the offset knobs:
fractional volts
integral semitones
integral octaves
I recommend combining the 16 channel Affix with the VCV Merge and Split modules. Or for a very compact solution you could use docB M16 and S16, but I find those ports a bit cramped for my taste.
For the 8 channel uAffix I would use the Grande Merge8 and Split8 for a very nice compact solution.
Since the channels are already combined, and I want polyphonic signal at the output, I don’t even need merge and split modules. As you say, the perfect solution.