Rewinding and forwarding sequence by tapping

Is there a way to pause or override the pulse from the clock and tap pulses in order to move backwords or forwards thru the sequence and also to tap multiple times on same step without moving forward or backwards? The objective is to move back in a sequence lets say 5 steps to find the “dull step” that i keep hearing but cannot see and change it after some experiment hits there. =) :cherry_blossom:

That would depend on the sequencer functionality. You could use something like the Nysthi programmer which gives you random access to each step by pressing the corresponding button:


Yes to be able to punch the step directly and listen would also solve the problem. I did not see an 8 step version in the library. Because my current setup is 2 sequencers and a switch. I would prefer 8 steps for visibility. I really like these sequencers but i think i need to change them out because i want to have inputs as in the nysthi for each step of the sequencer in order to feed each step with another sequencer. I was thinking to change for the Muxlicer. What i like with my current ones is that its got Forwad, backword, number of steps and choose what step.


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From our friend: auretvhAuret Van Heerden :100: :boom:

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