Reisselpud : New Songs

Hello ! Two new dark ambient songs only using VCV rack here :slight_smile:

Did you like it ? :slight_smile:

  • Whispers in the Abyss PATCHE :

  • The Threshold PATCHE :

Thanks a lot ! Happy hollydays y’all !


Hi !

I’ve made a orchastral song with the HOST module here :

Did you like it ?

This only the second time I’ve used this module. What VST did you use please ?

Thanks !

A part of the patche :


Hi ! I’ve made a little ambient experimental song as an homage to the Showtime TV series THE CURSE. The show really inspired my a lot this past few weeks, and especially the music by John Medeski (& Daniel Lopatin).

Hope you like it !

Thanks a lot !

I used lots of NANO modules, I’ve found a nice video about it on YouTube :


That’s a really nice patch! I espcially like the last half. Well done.

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Hi ! I’ve made a new song only using VCV Rack and Audacity, did you like it ?

The Fat Trout Trailer Park

Here is the patch :

Thanks ! :slight_smile:

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Hi !

Another new song available here :

Crossroads (YouTube)

Crossroads (Everywhere)

Only using VCV Rack, as usual.

Thanks ! :control_knobs: