Long time user here, i have rack pro, have tried the plugin version many times, and struggled to be able to wrangle vcv with its freerunning clocks. Some time a looong time ago i settled on just mutitrack recording then taking into the daw.
Recently, ive been working on some peoples albums with a buddy, and the need to be able to record live over tracks has emerged. I have just been using my laptop as an instrument into my buddies daw, but i think its time to work towards vcv in my daw on my same computer as a more serious solution (think remote work)
I am aware of start, stop, reset ports, but need more in the way of tip on how or what to connect them to in a setup from those who work like this.
In the past i have found the workflow very clunky and uninspiring.
Ive used reason for 8 years now. Transport seems to not work smoothly with vcv. I downloaded reaper, and within 10 minutes am feeling a lot better about syncing. Just need to learn how to use reaper now smh
just few starting tips:
when tracking you can do pretty much everything from the TCP (track control panel, the big dark grey space on the left)
I always work without the mixer, and it’s up to you to have the Master Track displayed (menu view → Mixer ; menu view → Master Track)
double click on the TCP to create a track, for some VSTi it is faster to right click → insert virtual instrument on new track
left/right click on the buttons/knobs or track/items and you find a lot of stuff
menu actions → show action list → you find pretty much you could think about
if you install 3rd part extensions → you find more than you could think about
to record the live output of an instrument on a track (e.g. VCV Rack 2 Pro) just:
right click on the TCP → insert virtual instrument on new track and load an instance of the plugin (you are asked if you would like to have an automatic routing of 8 stereo track (1+2 , 3+4 and so on, I suggest “NO” just to get used to)
right-click on the red button of the left side of a track and enable “record output” instead of “record input” (“record input” records from the audio interface or from an other track when you have set the routing)
press REC on the main transport and it will record as you play
of course you can free play but midi events on the track are read while playing, so everything is in sync. furthermore, when you stop recording, everything is latency compensated
I’m sure you have good knowledge of VCV Rack and for now I don’t think I should write more than this
feel free to ask if you have specific questions
p.s. the mouse default controls can be a PITA in the beginning but it is very easy to change them if you need to
the online community/cult is phenomenal, I don’t remember something I have not be able to do yet