Hello, Im trying to run the AU version of VCV Rack 2 inside of Logic as an FX patch. I want to convert the midi data into CV (for example midi pitches changing a module’s filter).
The Midi>CV module is set to DAW but not receiving any V/Oct or Gate data (but it is generating clock)
The only work around I have found for this is to copy the midi data to a new logic track, set it to send to external midi routing, and then patch that to VCV With Midi>CV using Core MIDI and Logic Pro Virtual Out. It works but then I need to make sure I don’t change midi notes on the other track
If you want to get the midi notes from a logic track into VCV Rack you need to use an instrument track and the appropriate VCV AUi type (when you want Audio Out) or the MIDI FX type (to just process MIDI and pass it to a different synth on the track).
What if I wanted to use an Instrument from Logic, but VCV as an FX. For example, turning on a delay every time a note is above a C4. Does that not work without my “hack” method of creating a separate VCV instrument track?
I guess I could use Host inside of Instrument VCV for any non-Logic Instruments
The audio FX version of the AU Plugin is designed to recieve the audio coming from your logic instrument. There might be a solution using an AU MIDI Enabled FX instance but I will need to check on that and get back to you.
Will be back at my iMac tomorrow to examine.
@kevinkc i looked into this as promised and can confirm that you need 2 tracks for this to work.
However I think I found a more elegant solution without external midi routing and using the „AU MIDI Controlled FX“ plugin type for VCV and MIDI aliases to solve your problem of „being careful to not change midi“.
Behind this link there’s a logic session file with the whole setup and a couple of notes to explain in more detail.