Randomize: right click context menu

I didn’t think that you could have overlooked this feature of Strip, :wink:

in VCV v1 it was even possible to choose parameters to be excluded from randomization iirc,
but same changes in V2 made this impossible, I think,
but Ben @stoermelder should be able to explain it better.

a short example (! Strip randomizes all modules to the left/right side which are directly connected!)

the patch is here:
2023_10_28_a_random_Striped_Beat_01.vcv (21.0 KB)

To my knowledge it is still possible with Strip in V2 of Rack to click the INC/EXC button on Strip and then click a parameter that you don’t want to be randomised.


I just checked and yes it still works.

yep, there is the inc/exc button,
I didn’t remember it right, :blush:
even much better for all ‘randomizers’ :wink:

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All Venom module parameters (except for Rhythm Explorer) have a lock option in the parameter context menu. Any locked parameter will remain unchanged when the module is randomized.

You can also set a user default for each parameter as well. Just as with the factory default, double click (or initialize) the parameter to return to your user default.

This is certainly not available for other plugins, but I think it is a cool feature of the Venom plugin.


I forgot to mention, the lock status and user defaults are stored with the patch.


Very. More of this sort of thing.

Had fun with this tonight. As some sort of thanks for people suggesting things, here are a couple of patches based on using individually configured sequential switches to randomize four SEQ-3s.

One which just outputs MIDI on channels 1 to 4
4 MIDI channels SEQ-3 out with sequenced randomisation.vcv (5.2 KB)
and one which uses FM-OPs to output audio too
4 MIDI channels SEQ-3 out with sequenced randomisation and voices.vcv (7.6 KB)

the latter I find somewhat hypnotic