Trying to make this concept work and feels a little forced (not flexible/modular) in the way I’m getting it to work. Essentially I’m trying to have the scale that a sequence uses change each time an input pitch changes. This is similar to how jazz players often think of each chord as its own scale, particularly with more advanced chords
Right now I’m using computer keyboard CV to select an ADDR Seq, which then selects what Root note and scale Mode should be used.
Some questions:
-Is there a module that just gives the “absolute” not (non octave specific) and can output that as CV to determine the Root note of a quantizer? Right now this method can only operate on a one octave range
-The current ADDR solution seems a bit clunky and hard to remember which note goes to what (on the ADDR’s that determine Root and Mode channel 4, 8, 12 and 16 do not get used). Is there a 12 note ADDR or some way to scale 12 notes of a keyboard into a 16 note sequencer?
Have you tried my “Harmony II”? It sort of does this?? Since it can (among other things) quantize to many different scales, and there is a CV to choose what scale.
Very close but not quite, but a lovely result! I love the 8Face mk2 as well, thanks for hipping me to that. I could pair that with some offset to get the desired effect I described
I guess still just looking for a module that can give me a read out of “G” instead of G4, G5, G6 etc… Then being able to take that as CV to determine the offset amount to address the correct 8Face “stage”
VCV is V/Oct, meaning for example, going from G2 to G4 is just adding 2 volts. So you simply want to transform your quantized input to a value >=0 and <1 by subtracting the floor (round down) from the original value. This gives the correct value for both positive and negative inputs. Assuming the original input is quantized, then it will always yield a value between C4 at the low end and B4 at the high end.