Purf patches - Intermission

Another snapshot taken during my journey of finding out what it truly is that I want to make. Notable features this time: the Mockba Modular V, played in unison with an FM-OP and this (free) Computerage-Lofi machine


This one :arrow_heading_up: but more of it. The video might have benefitted from an extra view as this patch and track maybe marks the point where I’ve become comfortable with incorporating my humble hardware collection (well, Keystep and Nanokontrol here) without having to think too much about how that all works.

Patch notes, in case that’s of interest. A KS’s drum track hammers 1/16ths, triggering Trummor’s Noise (which I need to use more, it’s lovely) and clocking Trigs which I use for the rhythm of FM-Op’s fm-modulation (depth via nanokontrol) and some accents for the Noise. KS’s track 2 plays the main riff going into both the FM-Op-combo and Mockba’s V, the latter’s filter controlled by another knob on the nanokontrol. Track 3 lets me punch in notes into BigButtonSeq2 (my first time using this one!?) for the high flying short tones with Count Modula’s Chances for density control, KS’s Track 4 is me improvising on a copy of the riff’s instruments. There’s an Entrian Acoustic Drums with velocity-bits outside of the screen, but that’s another story for another time ; )


Yes the warbled “flute” is very organic, and drew me in right away. It also takes on hints of human voices at times. An intoxicating piece.

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That is lovely. Those unexpected bends really put a smile on my face!


That piece is really cool. :heart: :clap: :clap:

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A work in progress. Maybe a bigger bite than I can chew in terms of performing this into a track, but I’m having fun with this. Two “premieres” here: one can use Trummor²s noise to add a kick to the kick, who would have thought! Also, feeding one voice through two different bands of a filter and then, say, have the band pass become a texture makes for interesting transitions when turning the dial.


This goes drone


these, from recently.


Hey, here’s a fixed rack, have fun” All right!


One more where that came from, Rack via @Omri_Cohen. I read about International Drone Day somewhere,and only realized I missed it being halfway into this. Happy Last Month’s International Drone Day!


Oh, hello, it’s been a while. Here’s a recent thing.

There is always this period in (my?) creative endeavours, where I feel my work is going to get a lot worse before it gets any better. Like, in the past months. Here’s a new one, however, the result of a few recent patches in which I had a small obsession with the kind of ~crunch that Fehler Fabrik’s Rasoir module provides. Mixer and master reverbs offscreen, some midi for mainly filter manipulation. Cloud’s high shimmer sound at 2:16 should have slowly faded in via filter, but nothing happened when I turned the knob and that was when I realised the Density wasn’t set. Ah, well.


Love the early Eno sounds :slight_smile:

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I like that composition Urs, very nice!

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with a nod to @LarsBjerregaard, I had a go at limiting myself to only three modules (plus eye candy and some cheating with whatever’s on the mixer - a Nysthi Ambuance in this case). Fairly obvious choices here, going the Mutable route - Particle Noise excites Quantized Sympathetic Strings goes Clouds - but it surely is fun doing those.


Very cool, and love the video.

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Another 3 module patch. Noise. My very first go at these was with Rampage’s EOCs pinging Blamsoft’s stereo filter with Bogaudio’s S+H to modulate Rampage’s rise/fall and the filter frequency. This is the same concept, but after remembering Mockba’s S+H :slight_smile:


Cool! Something new to try for Rings…

SO, VCV Rack 2! :star_struck: Here’s my first patch with it, inspired by how the Most used sorting in the module browser is a blank slate for now - let’s try something new: dBiz. (The envelope generator seems to have a bug which prevents the cycle mode from being switched, so it’s Rampage)


Season’s Greetings!


Thank you.

Greetings to you too, here’s a little something you can use in your Christmas Rack’s to come.